Got this some time ago. Groucho, Chico and Harpo...

Can anyone comment on the authenticity of the signatures?

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I seem to recall seeing this at auction awhile back.   It's 5" x 7", correct?

It's an MGM-era mid/late 1930s secretarial signed on their behalf to a fan request.  Interestingly, that secretarial "Merrily yours" inscription also appears on some surviving larger 8" x 10" MGM photos that do indeed have authentic signatures.  Here's one with their actual signatures:

Yes, it's 5x7... so you're saying none of these are authentic.?

Curious they'd be in 2 different pen types if a secretary signed them.

One thing to notice is that the "o" in "Groucho" on the secretarial is clearly defined.  During the time he was with his brothers, usually that "o" seemed to all but disappear (see the photo I provided and the following ones as well).  He did have a more pronounced "o" later.  

I'd be looking for Chico to sign looking more like "C hi co" which he often did at this time (but not always).  I think whoever signed the Chico on the 5" x 7" also signed the Harpo....and that Harpo is just plain wrong.   At best, it could possibly be Chico signing for Harpo.  But the Chico looks flat and lifeless, imo.

Here's another authentic signed MGM photo from that era to further (again, same dedication):

p.s.  Groucho's "G" at this time also looked more rounded, shepherd crook-like....if that makes sense.

And here's another MGM-era with the particular attributes I mentioned:

So would this be a similar secretary signature? 

No, these are definitely not authentic.


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