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Hi! I'm being offered this David Bowie signature, but I don't know if it's authentic. What do you think about it?

Tags: Bowie, David, authenticity

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Hi, In my eyes this is nice piece and genuine, but wait for Eric, he will know as it is his "era"  or contact Andy on www.davidbowieautograph.com :-)

I messaged Andy and he thinks the B is off and track too. He said it is very good attemp but he think it is fake so avoid it!

For me I'm on the fence might be his style  in 78 I have this from 1995s-l1600-13.jpg

I'm not too sure. I wouldn't buy it. 

Just messaged Andy and he thinks it's fake. I thought so, but wasn't 100% sure 

Here are a few authentic '78's:

I've added several authentic 1978's for comparison above.

Hello, everybody:

I really appreciate your help. I've almost bought it!

Thank you so much, like always. 

How much was it being offered for?

Hello, Eric:

It was being offered for 420 GBP.

That is rather low for a 1978 signature.


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