I'm considering a drumhead which includes the signature shown.  Initially, I was simply looking for sample signatures for my own comparison, but a google search brought me here.  To my very untrained eye, the signature looks reasonably correct with the exception of the 'g' loop at the bottom.  The label shown is taped to the drumhead.  My google search didn't return anything about J.S. Sports Investments.


Thanks in advance for any and all thoughts.





Tags: Ringo

Views: 1211

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It does NOT look like the Ringo's that I have/seen

One man's opinion..............

two man's opinions.....I don't like it

Probably not Jim.

Gotta love that COA which reads "JS Sports Investments."  Judging by the COA, they don't invest much into their COAs.
That was my point Mike....(0:
I was just being sarcastic, Mike.
MIKE...that is a garbage Ringo as we all know...I don't care about certs because as you know a cert. does not mean a piece is authentic...like in this piece for instance...its got a cert. but its not real....OR for example when authenticators are not correct like in your case with your IP Jackson auto that was not authenticated when you knew it was real....or in GA or GAI's case when they authenticate items that are completely garbage...my point was this RINGO is not real...with a Crumby cert to boot...if everyone bought something because there was a xerox copy cert with it or a business card saying its authentic then it would just give free rain to the forgers to pump there junk into the unsuspecting hands of collectors....not saying cheap certs. does not mean a piece is not good...I cant begin to tell you how many pieces I purchased uncertified because I know the difference like your self what items are good or bad...I will take experience over a piece of paper and hologram any day of the week
Mike, no big deal.  Sometimes my sarcasm isn't obvious.
Mike, this COA isn't very impressive to begin with.  Who would want a J&S and Sons Sports etc cert on a Ringo Starr.  Get a great company behind it like RRAuction.
I would stay away from this one.
that is a PRETTY CRUMBY CERT. that more then likely reflects on the item itself....
Not the worst try I have ever seen...but still not good enough


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