Whats your rarest most hard to find rock n roll autograph in your collection?

Mine would be(as of now) a newspaper article from feb 1969 about the stones rock n roll circus signed by mick,keith,bill,charlie and BRIAN JONES at one of his few visits at olympic studios for the let it bleed sessions,the author of the article had it signed at olympic studios , a few visits it took to finally catch brian aroound march/april....right before he left the stones.

This is one of the last items Brian Jones has signed with the stones in 1969

It was purchased from Tracks UK with letters of prov.  it was expensive but well worth it.

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That is REALLY cool. 

The crown of my Nirvana collection acquired recently. Nirvana signed with inscription Zildjian Cymbal. Circa late 1991. :)

That's really really COOL, congrats J.Seah!!

Don't know how rare but I obtained this Gerry Marsden auto in Greeley before a show with Leslie Gore.  I got an LP signed the wife a photo. Here's came out better. We are both still kicking ourselves for not taking a photo and she had her cam around her neck...lol We were just so thrilled to meet Gerry we forgot...lol

Mine is the Beatles' maiden flight from Rngland to New York on February 7th, 1964. The stewarded (purser) had the card signed by the Beatles on the flight... This, then, 12 year old fan recently sold to a Beatles store not too long ago, and I snatched it up. My understanding and research shows this as the only one of its kind signed on the flight...
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This one is propably the "rarest". A signed sketch by  Stuart Sutcliffe of The Beatles.

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I just ran across this thread. My rarest signature would be this album page signed by David Bowie on his ISOLAR tour - in Stockholm on April 26th, 1976. He performed there on the 26th, and 27th. I have seen only a handful of signatures offered from before 1979. At this time he was heading to Moscow and writing songs for Low. I appreciate his popular Ziggy period (not quite my cup of tea), but this Station to Station period is my favorite as he and his band were super-strong. Bowie disliked blue ink, and many of his early signatures are in red ink of one sort or another. This is 1976 and he was experimenting a lot with style and even the content of his signature. This has the flavor of his fuller signatures, many elements in play, but with the basic abbreviated construction to come in later years. This signing style, these forms, and relations, can be seen as late as 1979 and even a bit beyond. From member Bjarne Soderholm (thanks Bjarne!)

That's a wild but great signature Eric.

For me any Bowie up to and including Scary Monsters is worth listening to. Being born in 1962 I only saw him live post-Scary Monsters but you can't have everything.

I saw him on at least 4 occasions if you include his mini-performance at the ICA in London with La La Human Steps and people like David Byrne. I bought an autographed poster in a charity auction there but when I stupidly had it linen backed some of the signatures almost floated away.

I actually dragged my wife along to see Bowie on the evening we got engaged, which happened to be Valentine's Day (1996 Hallenstadion Zurich).


This is propably my "rarest" rock´n´roll autograph. A signed scetch by Beatle Stuart Sutcliffe

Hello Juha, I haven't seen the rest of your collection but I will agree with you! THAT is superb!

Many thanks!


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