Did You Purchase an Item from Anthony Nurse or Charity Fundraising Packages? Please Let me Know...

I saw items at an auction recently that I believe to be forgeries. I'm in the process of trying to figure out if they are real or not, and would like to hear from others on experiences they've had with Anthony Nurse or his company -- Charity Fundraising Packages.

I remember being at a party 15 years ago, and somebody had a signed "Hotel California" album by the Eagles. It was fake, and I knew it was. I asked the guy how he acquired it. He told me an auction for his sons school. I didn't have the heart to tell him.

So, when I saw another fake Hotel California album at this auction, it made me cringe.

Anyway...please contact me if you purchased a forgery or ANYTHING from this company -- and I'll see if Steve and Roger can help me authenticate these items, and we'll move into the next steps involved (if, in fact, they are forged items).

It's bad enough if forged items are sold to unsuspecting people, but to do it in the name of a charity is just despicable. 

(and a website that shows generic pictures of bands signing for 50 fans doesn't prove anything...neither does a photo of Anthony Nurse standing by Rod Stewart at a book signing).

At book signings, they don't let you bring albums, cds, or guitars. They sign THE BOOK ONLY. And having a photo taking with somebody, doesn't make any autographed item you sell "authentic." Most people don't realize that.

Anyway....contact me at: joshboard87@gmail.com

Thank you!

(or post your stories on this thread)

Views: 28936

Tags: Anthony Nurse, Charity Fundraising Packages, Forgery, autograph authenticity, charity auctions, fake autographs

Comment by Robert Pistella on March 18, 2014 at 5:57am

They said if it doesn't pass authentication, they would accept it back and issue a full refund. I've bought from them for over 30 years, they've always been great to deal with. 

Comment by Michael Schroeder on March 18, 2014 at 6:03am

Contact Pam at gotta have it, they would know

Comment by Michael Schroeder on March 18, 2014 at 6:05am

Please try and contact Pam at www.gottahaveit.com

Comment by Robert Pistella on March 18, 2014 at 6:12am

I'm having Roger Epperson look at it. 

Comment by Robert Pistella on March 18, 2014 at 6:27am

Roger says :

I do not believe this is authentic, it appears to have been signed all in the same hand.  It most likely came from Walls of Fame as it looks like the ones they sell.

Comment by Amy Dunphey on March 21, 2014 at 8:07am
Hello, I was given several signed items to sell at a charity auction by an individual who wanted a reserve price out of them. Long story short, many of the items have turned out to be fake. The most recent one I was trying to figure out is:

Turns out the guy has some of his things on ebay as well. I could never find the company "World Wide Graphs" but when I put in the name Anthony Barone I came across you guys. I'm pretty certain that this is not real and reading everything about Anthony Barone (Nurse?) it just confirms it. We cannot be connected with anything that is even possibly fake.

We took 17 of this guys items and only found 3 that we were able to use in our auction. A few of the 17 were in fact real but he wanted too much money back for them. I am confident this guy knows exactly what he is doing. He also seems to be selling fake designer clothing on ebay. He only got one negative feedback from someone saying what they got was fake and that they wanted their money back, which he evidently did right away.

Is there a way to report people like this? I have spent so much of my time that I could have been doing so many other things and there are people like him knowingly taking advantage of others and ripping people off. Any suggestions??
Comment by Josh Board on March 21, 2014 at 8:12am

Amy, start by NOT returning the items to them. Also, contact the police and the postal police, and see if anything can happen. I've contacted the FBI on my end, but they seem to be really, really slow in getting anything done. I've spent hours and hours and days of my own time, trying to nail this guy. Calling all the charities that have testimonial letters with him, etc. Some have been alerted and told me they'll stop using him, but it's such a slow process.

Comment by Steve Cyrkin, Admin on March 21, 2014 at 9:50am

Amy the Hepburn and Peck autographs you linked to on eBay are obvious forgeries in my opinion. There's a good chance that the ones you think are genuine are not, as well. Glad you did your homework. How did you connect with Barone?

Comment by Gwen Thomas on April 13, 2014 at 1:51pm

We purchased a signed Abby Road album at a charity auction last night.  I decided to research it and came across your thread.  Now I'm skeptical.  I would appreciate your opinion on these signatures which are supposed to be Paul Mc and Ringo.

Comment by Gwen Thomas on April 13, 2014 at 1:56pm


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