Did You Purchase an Item from Anthony Nurse or Charity Fundraising Packages? Please Let me Know...

I saw items at an auction recently that I believe to be forgeries. I'm in the process of trying to figure out if they are real or not, and would like to hear from others on experiences they've had with Anthony Nurse or his company -- Charity Fundraising Packages.

I remember being at a party 15 years ago, and somebody had a signed "Hotel California" album by the Eagles. It was fake, and I knew it was. I asked the guy how he acquired it. He told me an auction for his sons school. I didn't have the heart to tell him.

So, when I saw another fake Hotel California album at this auction, it made me cringe.

Anyway...please contact me if you purchased a forgery or ANYTHING from this company -- and I'll see if Steve and Roger can help me authenticate these items, and we'll move into the next steps involved (if, in fact, they are forged items).

It's bad enough if forged items are sold to unsuspecting people, but to do it in the name of a charity is just despicable. 

(and a website that shows generic pictures of bands signing for 50 fans doesn't prove anything...neither does a photo of Anthony Nurse standing by Rod Stewart at a book signing).

At book signings, they don't let you bring albums, cds, or guitars. They sign THE BOOK ONLY. And having a photo taking with somebody, doesn't make any autographed item you sell "authentic." Most people don't realize that.

Anyway....contact me at: joshboard87@gmail.com

Thank you!

(or post your stories on this thread)

Views: 28931

Tags: Anthony Nurse, Charity Fundraising Packages, Forgery, autograph authenticity, charity auctions, fake autographs

Comment by Steve Cyrkin, Admin on October 18, 2016 at 3:39pm

I just googled "Charity Fundraising Packages." They're still up but the URL is now www.cfr1.org/. Your blog is #3 under that search term.

Comment by Steve Cyrkin, Admin on April 20, 2017 at 11:30pm


Here's the Star Wars "cast-signed" poster you couldn't upload. Sorry for the hassle:

Comment by Michael Schroeder on April 22, 2017 at 1:36pm
The strat above is really bad. Is it supposed to be the stones and Jimmy Page?
Comment by Steve Cyrkin, Admin on April 22, 2017 at 8:05pm

I'm posting this for Josh because the site hasn't been playing well with him recently:

Josh was contacted by someone who sent him these images of lots in a fundraiser Anthony Nurse's company supplied:

Comment by Curt Hall on May 23, 2017 at 12:43pm
Ok, is this the New Jersey Autograph store? I won an auction on that site, and sadly didn't ask anyone about it before bidding. And found out the autographs were fake from a friend if mine.
Comment by BW Unlimited Chariy Fundraising on September 26, 2017 at 8:00am

Steve - I need to speak to you.  Email me at George@bwunlimited.com.  

Comment by Josh Board on September 26, 2017 at 9:37am

As the writer of this story, I'd love to ask...George, is there something I can speak to you in regards to? 

Comment by BW Unlimited Chariy Fundraising on September 26, 2017 at 10:22am

Josh - Yes please call me at 443 206 6121.  

Comment by BW Unlimited Chariy Fundraising on January 17, 2018 at 11:20am


Last night, I was contacted by a charity who had received items from the above companies.  One of the buyer contacted me and ask me for my opinion.  I informed him of this thread.  Can someone please email me asap at George@bwunlimited.com please?

Comment by Josh Board on March 27, 2018 at 6:13pm

I've been talking to a guy that also got duped by this crooks. He got some Charles Shultz drawings an Abbey Road signed album, and a signed Rolling Stones...as well as a signed McCartney guitar. Seriously, how does this charity have so many Abbey Road albums? Well, by forging them, that's how.

The charity that sold them to him years ago, won't refund his money They say "nobody else complained, you're the only person. And if they're fake, well...we got suckered just like you." 

Yeah, but...the only problem with that is, the charity got their money. The buyer got fake items.


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