ZZ Top Meet & Greet DISASTER - are they all this bad?

Myself and a couple buddies of mine went to the ZZ Top concert this past May in Englewood, NJ. In addition to our concert tickets, we each paid the additional $150 for the VIP Meet & Greet package. The VIP package was advertised as "Q&A Session with ZZ Top, Photograph with ZZ Top, ZZ Top poster, Commemorative VIP Laminate and Lanyard".

When we got to the VIP area prior to the Meet & Greet, tour manager Pablo Gamboa made his presence felt by announcing "NO AUTOGRAPHS, NO HANDSHAKES AND DON'T TALK TO THE BAND". The minute he opened his mouth I knew we were in for a big disappointment. What's the point of a Meet & Greet if you can't talk to the band or ask for an autograph? From there, we were rushed in, literally given about 5 seconds to stand behind the band and have a rushed picture taken and then immediately ushered out of the VIP area. It was by far the biggest waste of $150 I've ever spent ($450 total if you tally up all 3 of us). The concert was great but what a disaster and waste of money this so called "VIP" experience was...

Are all Meet & Greets this bad or did I just have a bad experience? Has anyone shared this pain with such a bad experience after paying good money and having high hopes for a Meet & Greet?

Views: 11052

Comment by Dustin Jones on January 30, 2014 at 5:29pm
Look forward to reading about it Josh.
Comment by Rich on January 30, 2014 at 5:52pm

I usually don't see meet & greets for bands I like, probably in part because most are too big (U2, Bruce, AC/DC) or too small, in which case any meet & greets are probably small, free promotional events anyway.

Comment by Thorsten Knublauch on January 30, 2014 at 11:42pm

I think the soundcheck for Paul McCartney is around 700 USD. But you stand around the mixing desk - far away... No meet and greet - no pics or autographs allowed. 45 Soundcheck with 30 to 50 people. A ripp off but it seems all band now offer that kind of "bonus" to add to the always getting more expensive normal tickets....

Comment by Peter C. on January 31, 2014 at 2:47am

I was three times at M&G with my favourite band and it was always fantastic. The first one in 2006 - it was so amazing that I wasn´t able to talk with them - such huge shock it was for me, but Roger Glover was in very talkative mood so he encouraged us to talk to him and dont be shy... 4 years later I wasn´t so nervous, I had a little present for Roger and after that I had maybe 10 minutes conversation with him.... he is extremely friendly and very kind man! I also have a wonderful very funny story with Steve from 2010 m&g.... Around the room there were the tables and chairs for tired fans - I left cases of CDs with discs on the table and I had booklets to sign in my hands. They all did two "circles" around fans in room - signing, chatting, taking pictures, some of us even got picks from Steve or Roger. I got everything signed by Steve during the first "circle" and then we got into that discussion with Roger... then my friend came to me and said "look..." and I saw Steve standing in front of "our" table with my CDs.... and he was going through them - just imagine yourself in CD store as you are finding some disc there... exactly like that. I went to him and as my English is far from perfect and I could not find the right words what I wanted to say I went to Steve and I said: "excuse me, what can I do for you?".... At first second he was confused (I´m not suprised after such a silly hillarious question...) but then he asked me "do you have everything signed by me?" and he even offered me to signing the discs! :) So these stories can happen at good meet&greets, but obviously - its not the case of ZZ Top... :(

Comment by JXE on January 31, 2014 at 6:48am

It all has to do with the band. Their level of fame has nothing to do with it.

The best one I ever did was Metallica, and that was free, won through the Metclub. They went down a hallway, one at a time, and spent a minute or two talking to each and every fan, signing two autographs each and taking a photo. Nine Inch Nails was also amazing, and they donated 100% of the cash to charity. For $1000 2 people got to meet the band, get photos/autographs, watch the soundcheck, eat dinner backstage at their food services tent, and watch the entire concert from behind the stage! I also met Ozzy back in 2006 when it was all going to charity. That was good too, with dinner backstage, etc. Rob Zombie's recent VIP experiences have been brief, but well done. I was even recently pleasently surprised by Marilyn Manson's meet and greet. He even took inscription/quote requests on the autographs and posed for multiple professional photos with everyone.

I heard from other people who have been duped by ZZ TOp that their meet and great sucks. I find it surprising because all of the people I listed up top are more popular than them, so popularity has nothing to do with it. They think they're something they aren't. 

One more thing: I once met Rob Zombie when he was doing a signing at a tent for a festival. The line was absurd and the handlers were barking "no photos" all the way when you got to the front. I asked Rob to sign a Halloween poster that I'd obtained almost 40 autographs on already. He thought it was awesome, and he took care to sign right over michael Myers' body, like I'd asked. I said to him "Rob, could I please get the fastest picture with you?" He said, "How about you take the longest picture so it comes out good?"

WOW! I will never forget that! No money was exchanged for that experience. He was bogged down with a line of hundreds, but he still posed for a picture and made sure it came out good. Going forward I will buy everything he ever puts out. THAT'S what a great fan experience does. When a band treats you like crap, the negative impact can be even greater. If it were me, I'd never go to another ZZ Top show again, until they learn some manners.

Comment by roger epperson on January 31, 2014 at 12:25pm

ZZ used to sign at their meet and greets as I got 3 completes and my girlfriend at the time got 4.  They would line everyone up and then take the photo with the band then keep you in that line and they would sit at a table and sign.  The with them of course kept saying ONE only but when you know how to play the game you could get more.  I know the reason for no handshakes is Billy hand someone shake his skinny little hand so hard he could barely play guitar the next night.  You never know what someone will do when they shake your hand.  It really sucks that they don't sign anymore at the MG.

Comment by Micko on January 31, 2014 at 2:45pm
Two Meet and Greets with Rush over the years. Competition win and record company pal. No pricey tickets, free. Told before hand that there would be no autographs, but got to meet Geddy and Alex, Neil does not participate. Again knew all this beforehand, so no surprises or disappointments. The photos (high quality ones too, better than my crappy camera )were taken for us by the management and available to download the next day on their website. The guys were total gentlemen, had a quick chat and it was well organised and a great thrill for all the fans lucky enough to be there.
Comment by Dustin Jones on January 31, 2014 at 4:23pm
Thanks to all who have shared their experiences.

Roger, if you don't mind me asking, about how long ago was it when you attended the M&G and were able to get their autographs?

It sounds like JXE has had some great luck with M&G's - I guess it all depends on the band...

Micko, I've heard from other Rush fans that Neil doesn't participate in much besides the actual concert itself. Any reason why he's such a recluse?
Comment by Jerome Turner on January 31, 2014 at 6:47pm

At least you didnt get a fake ZZ Top signed poster with your meet and greet, at least I hope not.  Yes you heard that right.  When they first started doing these "signed posters" were sent to the participants after the meet and greet and they were the most horrible fakes you've ever seen.  Not even close to resembling their actual signatures.  Rushing people through a line for a quick photo op or not signing when its not specified they will be is one thing.  Sending fans fake signed posters who paid premium prices for the meet and greet packages is despicable.

Comment by Micko on February 1, 2014 at 1:36am
Hi Dustin,
Neil Peart doesn't do meet and greets with fans as the praise aspect of fame is just something he's uncomfortable with, plain and simple. Fans of the band know this and are respectful of his wishes. He's had a rough time in his personal life losing both his daughter in a car crash and his wife to illness, so this may be a factor. However he has remarried and has a new baby, and has been working prolifically over the past decade.


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