Last Wednesday I was directed to an article on Autograph Alert that, beyond saying the usual things they say about this site and me, seemingly "outed" one of our members whose comments they didn't like. At the end of the article, they wrote:

"By the time you read this story,
Cyrkin will have the first of a major rude awakening,

one he has invited and is well deserved."

The next morning I received an email from a court services firm asking for an appointment to serve me with legal papers. I arranged to be served this Wednesday. And I had a copy of the suit sent to me.

I have been sued by Christopher Morales, the autograph authenticator I have called, "the forger's best friend." Morales is joining me to his lawsuit against Roger Epperson alleging:

  • libel
  • slander
  • business disparagement
  • tortuous interference with prospective business relations, and
  • civil conspiracy.

I don't look forward to this or any lawsuit. Who does? But I feel it's my duty, and all of ours, to do everything we can to protect collectors, fans and the autograph hobby against forgeries. So, like Roger has, I'll defend the lawsuit vigorously—and I will not stop speaking out.

I stand behind everything I've ever said or published about Christopher Morales, and the forgery industry that uses him. I would be surprised if even one-percent of the autographs he has authenticated are genuine. But this is Morales's opportunity to prove that I am wrong; that most of the autographs he authenticates ARE genuine—and that we are "out to get him."

The truth is on our side.



Steve Cyrkin
Editor & Publisher



Views: 3889

Comment by Brian Burger on March 22, 2011 at 2:57pm
Steve, I wish you all the best in this fight.Thankfully God put people like you on this planet. I was the happiest guy on the planet several years ago when I discovered there were tons of people out there like me and there was a magazine devoted to a hobby I love so much. THank you for defending this great hobby!
Comment by Robert Zarrillo on March 22, 2011 at 3:09pm
It continues to be a sign of the breakdown of our society when such lawsuits are even allowed to be enacted.  Of course even Shakespeare said "kill all the lawyers" as I recall so I guess its nothing new.  I wish you luck and hope this gets over quickly with justice done.    
Comment by Bill Panagopulos on March 22, 2011 at 5:11pm

Actually, it's:


"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers". - (Henry VI, Part II, Act IV, Scene II).

Now I'm offering 5-1, up to $500. No mas.


C'mon John...BITE! You KNOW you can't resist!

Comment by DB on March 23, 2011 at 3:04am
wow, I am glad Mr. Bill is back!  For a moment there I had this visual of us all holding hands and singing kumbaya....   never mess with a 10%er
Comment by CJCollector on March 23, 2011 at 4:50am

I would like everyone to know that COA's issued by Chris Morales and Nicholas Burczyk are now officially embedded on Ebay's "Banned COA" list.  The link is below:




Comment by DB on March 23, 2011 at 5:03am

Thanks oh guru of the web edition...

and Steve made 'em do it and typed up the information and edited the website....

Now if we could only expand that list!

Comment by john reznikoff on March 23, 2011 at 5:19am



I would never bet against Steve but I am sure someone from the darkside might take your odds, I will split the downside with you but our winnings, 100% must go to the defense fund

Comment by roger epperson on March 23, 2011 at 7:43am
I wish I could say something but I am advised not to.  I will say that Steve and I are both going to do everything in our powers to end this crap once and for all.
Comment by Fuddjcal on March 23, 2011 at 8:04am

Also added to the Banned e-bay list is: TTA Authentic (formerly STAT Authentic)


Good advice Roger. The autograph community wishes you both all the best.

Comment by DB on March 23, 2011 at 9:22am
Actually, we lowly collectors would love to see it turn into a class action so we can run right out there a buy one from coach's commode so we can join it.


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