Hello Autograph Collectors! I am Brand new to this great forum! I have recently purchased from a Longtime MichaelJackson fan, a set of (what I hope are) Signed Michael Jackson photos. The PHOTO BELOW being 1 of them.

Wondering if you can render for me your most valued opinion as to whether the Signature on the PHOTO BELOW is "likely" to have been  genuinely signed by Michael Jackson.

Your Valued opinions are MOST appreciated!

Mike (fda)


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Put this at Buy It Now for $.01 with free shipping.

So, Im assuming James that you deem this signature to be a forgery?

Sorry Mike, but you just got a bunch of bad forgeries.

Unfortunately since Michael's passing.....the whole autograph market on him..well not whole say 90%...is just pure fakes.....what a real shame

So, Im assuming Kamran, that you believe this signature too is a fake? If so, what makes you believe this? You do know that MJ signed thousands upon thousands of items in his lifetime right?

Mike....this is a fake..its not his handwriting..and the flow of the pen..and the characteristics are all incorrect

I'd put the percentage even higher Kamran.

And Mike its def no good.  Sorry. 

Oh, I see. Well, this is certainly not the news I wanted to hear!

100% faked.
Hi Mike,

Thank you for joining Autograph Live. Unfortunately, I agree with the others here. I am confident that the autograph you posted isn't genuine, and I know MJ autographs pretty well. I'm sorry to have to confirm the bad news you heard from the other members.

Post the other ones if you want. Can you get your money back? I hope so.


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