Old guy seems legit. Bought it from a very reputable dealer in Vegas who died about 6 years ago. BUT, I sent a pic to Global Authentics (they offer a quick opinion for $10) and they came back with a negative.  So crap. I doubt $10 got me more than a glance at it, but still, it has no COA and I don't want to buy if I can't get someone reputable to say it's authentic, just in case i ever had to liquidate.  So, anyone on here know Eddie VH signature really well? It says Van Halen 07 under the signature and by the way, who would butcher that part so badly if they were doing a fake?  Just a thought.  Any help would be appreciated.

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Just out of curiosity, how do people get backstage passes? I'm too old and busy to be following bands around these days but I've always wondered how that even happens. Makes getting autographs nice and easy that's for sure.

A number of backstage passes I have seen to "augment" autographs are there to lend credence to a forgeries. Just my .o2.

correct,u can buy them now years ago they were alot harder to  get .people can make them with laser printers also.

all mine come from working with the actual musicans for over 40 years  as ive explain to people on the board here.

I have one from 1987 Floyd, and a very few others.

mine came from working directly with artist for over 40 years in the industry before u could pay 2k for a meet and great.

working in the musicy industry is a small comunity. i can usualy tell if your bullshitting and can probaly trace if ur real to somebody we both know its that tight of an industry.

backstage was considerd the bands and crew home for the day or nite or how ever long they were in town and treat with respect back then.

not for 1700$  and as i said its in storage and on the body of the whole original band

I just wouldn't trust a 2nd hand story on the merrit of what the owner himself believes. I mean that with no offense. If I were you I would hop over on RACC on facebook and see what other signed pick guards are out there then get second opinions on those too. I still think $1,700 might be high for a guard that has a questionable graph. Best of luck.

didn't really see guitars or pick guards for sale on that site.  maybe I have to wait to get in to certain spots on the site or something (always love that).  Anyway, looking at a REALLY expensive supposedly stage played one now on ebay.  Wish it wasn't sunday.  Can't get old Epperson's opinion and auction ends today.  But man, that would be a collection centerpiece if I ever saw it.

Here's that

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Here's him on stage with it.  Supposedly.  But those are all custom paint and I can't see a difference yet as to what is for sale and what he is playing on stage.

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i think eddies doing what kiss and clapton are doing ,have guitars made .playing them for a song or 2 then selling them for a premium.

there not like is actualy guitars that he plays all the time, those did come up once in a while

Of course not.  I don't care.  The king of guitar playing played it, good enough for me.  As long as it's the guitar in question.  And he down a few thousand, which I"m not sure he will because other's are going for even more, with the classic red and white stripes.  But I actually like the yellow.


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