In this thread I'm simply going to post examples of the "Florida" forgeries and examples of the worthless "Florida" COAs.
The final bid prices on the "Florida" forgeries are indicative of what they are:
Worthless garbage.
The majority of the "Florida" forgeries have worthless COAs like the following:
Showtime Memorabilia, Certified Autographs, Primetime Collections, YMC Sports, MFP Inc (My Favorite Players), Nicholas Burczyk, Hall Of Fame Players Market (HPM), Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators (Rocchi), Chris Morales, Drew Max (AAU), Autographed Legends LLC, Showtime Memorabilia, Ideal Autographs, Heroes Of The Game, BoxScore Collectibles, Platinum Collectibles, My Favorite Players, MFP Inc, Kings Of The Game, Myst-O-Graph, Icons Of The Game, MFP Reborn, My Favorite Players II, Signed Certified Memories (SCM), Platinum Collectibles, All Star Autographs, Pro Signed Sports, Sports Authentics and the approximately four dozen other "Florida" COAs.
We have also observed a worthless COA titled Star Authentic that has been paired with thousands of Florida Forgeries.
A lot of this garbage is sold at estate sales and local auctions to people who know zero about autographs.
Why aren't the major autograph dealers on Ebay and real autograph collectors not bidding and buying these "autographs?"
Because they, like myself, know they are obvious and pathetic forgeries that with the naked eye look like they are mechanically penned.
It's sad that the delusional aren't smart enough to ask the question "Where are they acquiring all of this inventory and how can they list and sell the same images over and over again?"
But then again, that's why I call them "delusional autograph collectors."
These are listed and sold by approximately two dozens sellers on Ebay and approximately three dozen worthless "Florida" COAs.
A ton of this garbage is sold at local and estate auctions because the people (the suckers) who buy this crap have zero knowledge of autographs.
Hundreds of images, each produced in the thousands.
Below are some of their Ebay IDs:
SCM (Signed Certified Memories)
My Favorite Players (MVP)
MFP Reborn (My Favorite Players Reborn)
Kings Of The Game
All of these are NO-BRAINER "Florida" Forgeries:
Forged Mickey Mantle photo with a worthless COA from YMC Sports.
Forged and laughable Mickey Mantle baseball with a worthless COA from My Favorite Players. Pure garbage.
Forged Mantle, DiMaggio and Williams photo with a worthless COA from MFP Reborn. Typical Florida garbage.
Forged and mass-produced Mantle and Mays with a worthless COA from Sports Authentics.
Garbage from My Favorite Players II.
Forged Mantle with a worthless COA from Kings Of The Game.
Forged Mickey Mantle photo with a worthless COA from My Favorite Players.
Forged Mickey Mantle. Worthless COA from Heroes Of The Game.
Forged and mass-produced Mantle, DiMaggio Ford and Martin forged photo. Worthless COA from SCM.
Forged and mass-produced Mantle, Williams and DiMaggio photo. Ugly forgeries penned by an amateur forger.
Forged Mantle and Aaron with a worthless COA from My Favorite Players.
Mass-produced forged Mantle and Williams photo with a worthless COA from Platinum Collectibles.
Mass-produced Mantle, Mays and Snider forgeries out of Florida.
Mass-produced and laughable forged Mantle photo with a worthless COA from Kings Of The Game.
Forged Mantle and Martin with a worthless "Florida" COA.
Forged and mass-produced Mickey Mantle with a worthless Florida COA from YMC Sports.
Forged Mickey Mantle with a worthless COA from Hall Of Fame Players Market.
Worthless COA from Kings Of The Game.
Worthless COA from Primetime Collections.
Garbage with a worthless COA from Pro Signed Sports.
Garbage from SCM (Signed Certified Memories).
Mass-produced Mickey Mantle forgery out of Florida with a worthless COA from HPM.
Forged Mickey Mantle, Harmon Killebrew and Willie Mays photo.
Forged Mantle, Berra and Ford with a worthless COA from Kings Of The Game.
Laughable forged Mantle with a worthless COA from My Favorite Players (MFP).
Forged and mass-produced Mickey Mantle out of Florida.
Forged 500 Homerun Club poster (actually inket paper) with a worthless COA from Signed Certified Memories (SCM).
Forged Mantle and Ford with a worthless COA from YMC Sports.
Forged Mickey Mantle with a worthless COA from Pro Signed Sports.
Forged Mickey Mantle and Joe DiMaggio with a worthless COA from Platinum Collectibles.
Forged Mickey Mantle photo with a worthless COA from Heroes Of The Game.
Laughable forgeries with a worthless COA from MFP Reborn. Laughable.
Forged Mantle, Snider and Mays with a worthless COA from Kings Of The Game.
Forged Mickey Mantle with a worthless COA from Kings Of The Game.
Forged Mickey Mantle with a worthless COA from Heroes Of The Game.
Forged Mantle/Mays with worthless COA from MFP Reborn.
Forged Mickey Mantle.
Ugly Mickey Mantle forgery.
Florida Forgery hologram.
Forged Mantle with worthless COA from Hall Of Fame Players Market.
Showtime Memorabilia garbage.
GFA garbage. Lipstick on a pig with the cheap framing.
Mass-produced Mantle, Snider, DiMaggio and Willie Mays forgeries with a worthless COA. Not even hand-signed. They are basically copied on inkjet paper.
Mass-produced and forged (not penned, but a copy of a set of forgeries on inkjet paper) 500 Homerun club photo. Worthless COA from Myst-O-Graph.
The HPM hologram on the bottom is a Florida COA (Hall Of Fames Players Market).
More garbage from SCM (Signed Certified Morons).
Look at this crap with a worthless COA from CSC Collectibles.
MFP Reborn garbage. From Mr. Florida himself.
The sellers of this image always show Whitey Ford signing. He signed that image without Mantle signing it.
Worthless COA from CSC Collectibles who is on Ebay's Banned COA list. This is another mass-produced Florida forgery that is basically a copy produced on inkjet paper.
In other words, a typical piece-of-crap Florida forgery.
Crap with a worthless COA from Showtime Memorabilia. Mass-produced forgeries. Not even hand-penned. Copies of forgeries produced on inkjet paper.
Typical mass-produced and laughable Florida forgery with a worthless COA from Ted Taylor.
Worthless Myst-O-Graph COA.
Look at these Mantle and DiMaggio "Florida" forgeries.
These are not a Scoreboard product.
Here's yet another "Florida" forgery. Mass-produced in the thousands.
Laughable forgery.
I will not allow this thread to fade away. I will be posting one comment a day and continue to expose the "Florida" forgeries that sell on Ebay.
Sold by EBay seller Sportsology2015 for a whopping $27.00
It's all a grotesque miscarriage of justice. OH How they have completely ruined a hobby. So pathetic on so many different levels. A first grader should be able to smell these scams out, No? NO. The creators, the scammer sellers, the dopey buyers, they all have their hands in it. It's all a dirty shame that people are so very ignorant and have lost their way with zero integrity in their lives. It starts with education parents. These kids buying this slop are jerkmehoff knumbieskulls PERIOD.
You're right, Fudd; this crap has ruined the autograph hobby.
I have no sympathy for the people that buy this crap.
Eventually they will discover that what they own is worthless.
When does an autograph photo of Mickey Mantle sell for a whopping $26.25?
When it's a mass-produced "Florida" forgery with a COA from Showtime Memorabilia and when it was sold by Ebay seller Sportspic2017 (One of about two dozen Florida sellers of forgeries).
The "power" of these certificates and damn holographic stickers mixed with desire and lack of information. Ugh.
and the desire to get a "bargain"
In other words "delusional."
The ugly putrid Ks in these Mantle forgeries remind me of a twisted finger (or a limp,nevermind).
That's funny, Ian.
Sold by Ebay seller Cynlyn75 for a whopping $40.00.
Sandy Koufax forged baseball sold by Ebay seller Bestbeach (the latest and newest Florida seller of forgeries) for $76.00.
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