Should sell for big bucks -- anyone seen this one before? 

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Thanks! I think I'll have it framed with good 'archival' technique and keep it in an area with no direct sunlight (where I have other Beatles autographs & related things).

Wow, congrats!

Thanks, Ballroom!

Why didn't this sell for us much as the last sgt pepper that was signed at heritage auction?

That's why there called auctions

Congratulations! I was very close to bid but my wife would definitely have killed me should I have spend so much money for a signed album! Happy that you could get it with few competition for, what seems to me, a good price. This will be my turn in 10 years, I hope :-)

Thanks so much, Bertrand!

No provenience with the album 

I’m surprised though that tracks I’ve let it go for such a low price considering what the others have sold for

It arrived already...about 48 hrs after the auction (Heritage gives the best service of any auction house, by far!).

The attached pictures give a good idea of the way it looks in hand...with signatures applied in ballpoint on the glossy UK Garrod & Lofthouse, Ltd. gatefold surface...

I could hardly be happier, especially for the price. They're 1967 signatures, to my eye. Of the other 5 UK Peppers on the Autograph Live census, one of them has three vintage and one much later signature (the one that sold at Bonhams for nearly $100K), another one one has been cut up and reconstituted, and at least one has incomplete signatures ('JohnX', etc.). Of course, one is pristine and vintage, but it sold for nearly $300K!

I'll need to send pictures in more than one message, since the file sizes are large.

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...and the fourth.

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