They're apparently doing it again this year, but I have yet to see a list of the books. I'll post one a link or image is available.

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Is this in-store only?

I believe it typically has been in the past, but obviously circumstances are a bit different this year.

Just FYI, clicking this little worded box above or the B&N banner up top brings up a non-safe msg on my laptop.  Holding cursor over either shows the link it goes to (at bottom left of my scrn), probably no intent by either person that posted, but maybe bad links.

They're uploaded photos, not really links. What you're seeing is just the photo hosting site.

Like Rich said, my post above is just a screenshot of the verbage in the email from B&N. As for any linking being unsafe, I have no idea. It's just the default imagehost that the Autograph Live discussion boards use when you post an image. If it's bad, then that'd be something to talk to Steve about I guess.

Looks like B&N has updated (or is updating?) their Black Friday page, but I'm still not seeing a list of exclusives.

LOL! 99% of the time, signed book values drop like a rock.  I rarely get MSRP on them, from in person signings.

Depends entirely on what you're collecting. Most U.S. presidents' books have held their value/appreciated very well, along with many celebrities.

In-person/personalized books usually command a much lower premium, in my experience.

Is there a list or will they put a list? i see Natalie Portmans book on the banner, will it be available instore? thanks!


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