Has anybody in the states seen any dolly graphed run rose run books?

As far as I can see, only the UK got the run rose run autographed parton/patterson books… bn/bam/premier didnt get any.. any heads up on a signed one would be greatly appreciated, My wife would like one. It comes out march 7th.

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If that’s the case, they need to specify that or they will lose alot of sales of everything. I always open disputes if sellers lie. I always get my money back regardless…People have the right to ship back and get reimbursed.. thats lost sales/revenue any way u look at it…

Yeah  I saw the Target "Signature Bookmark" and not too keen on Target as they tend to be very misleading in their 'offerings"  But i figure if there is to be a "signed" cd that it will be those "limited" offers to be gone in a flash  Atleast lucky to have a Waterstone "signed" on order   Just have to wait to see what it actually turns out to be

You never know. Patterson used autopen on The President is Missing, but his autograph on The Presidents Daughter was good. Maybe the publisher has become more aware of and strict about autopen use.

She could also pull a Hillary Clinton and deliver a crappy 2-letter signature.

I’m sure once it arrives we can compare autos to see if she auto penned this or not. Given her apparent auto own track record I’d be amazed if this is legit but it was too good an opportunity to pass up so I guess we will find out in March.

The target bookmark is definitely a printed signature.

The link to the UK signed book (not available right now but they might restock upon release):


Talkshop Live will have 20 randomly selected purchases will come autographed by James Patterson and Dolly Parton



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