Hello Doug! Thank you for expressing your opinion. When I saw this signature, I confess that I didn't give it much importance. Ballpoint pen, not too shiny, etc. At first glance, I understood that it was just someone who had ruined a cd by pretending to be Peter. But, I decided to take a better look at other signatures, duly authenticated by Beckett, JSA, etc. I was able to identify several points that can say something more about this signature. Starting with the signature slope... What do you think?
Thank you BallroomDays67! I zoomed in on the image and didn't notice any excitement. The lines seem to me safe to go. The type of writing (ballpoint) is what gets in the way. It seems to flow because you can see moments of greater and lesser pressure of the pen. If someone had an original on their side and copying it, I think they would keep the same pressure on their wrist. Of course, I'm giving my opinion! I may not be seeing what another collector can see. Maybe someone with more experience, or who knows Peter better. It's my first contact with the Monkees. This appeared on a website here in Brazil, and due to the importance of the musician, I decided to study a little. Like I've always done for the last 9 years.