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Can I trust Conway's Vintage Treasures if he has no hard address or phone # on his site? www.cvtreasures.com

I know that he purchases items on ebay with the moniker just_vintage. Then he sells them on ebay using the name cvtreasures1. Everything he buys has a private address.Why? Everything he sells is  sold with a "no returns,sold as is' policy. And there is no address on Conway's Vintage Treasures ==just a box number on his web site. There is no phone number to reach him.This makes me  suspicious. What do you think? I am new  at  this.





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I think Conway's owner, Kevin Conway, is a great dealer. I haven't heard any complaints and his inventory seems very strong. He's also a member here, so search him out, friend him and ask him to join this discussion. I think he will.


 There are no guarantees on the autographs presented in Conway's Vintage Treasures Store on EBay. I am not attempting to cause any friction with you ,but I clearly stated that all autographs listed on Conway's Vintage Treasures store on ebay are sold with a no return policy--go to cvtreasures1 on EBay and you will see that my assertion is credible. In addition,the majority of  Kevin's Conway's  listings  on ebay are  private and ALL items that  he  purchases under just_vintage are private. I should know as he purchased an item from me  as  a  steal  and  marked it  up ten fold on EBay.  And  why  is  there no hard  address or  phone number  to  reach him? Can one take a post office box number to court in a civil suit ?  Here is a direct link to the item and his ebay store proving my point:



                                                                                             Thanks Steve,


Sure whatever you say Al, (oh I mean Mike).


This guy is bogus. He is writing completely fabricated Ripoff reports on me (I'll send you the link).  I know who he is.   He is a forger that I called out years ago on another autograph forum and he has been doing this for some time.  It's been an ongoing vendetta.  AT first he threatened to sue me, but if you visit his site, which has 100% forgeries, I don't think he wants to go there.       That's why they come in here anonymous.  SO they can carry on with their cowardlike slandering.  I am sure no one knows who GEE GEE or Mike Rosen REALLY is???    That's part of doing business in the autograph industry.  When you call out the REAL Con-artists, you have to expect retaliation.  

BTW, in 20+ Years selling autographs NOT A SINGLE item has ever gone out WITHOUT a Lifetime Guarantee of Authenticity.    AND, we actually Honor that Guarantee.

Not that any of that means anything to someone on a Slanderous warpath.  Next thing you know I’ll be on Autographalert…;}  Am I getting to be a “big enough” target?  ,,,;}   Maybe this is Good!!!

Cee Gee is a solid member here, but I see that Mike Rosen joined yesterday and uses your name in his email address. That especially concerns me. I'm suspending his membership until this is resolved.

Mike, I am temporarily suspending your membership pending investigation. I'll email you in the morning and have not deleted your content at this time.
The Ripoff Report is clearly same person, yet I see he entered the author as a highly respected historic dealer. Is Mike Rosen his real name?

NO Steve.  Do you really think he has the spine to come in here with his "real" name?

Type my name and business in google and you will see he has gone to all the "ripoff" report sites, using various names and unfortunately names of respected dealers who he uses for his fabricated quotes.


I've been in communication with "Mike Rosen" and I agree with you. It's clear that he's acting maliciously.

He is representing himself by email as being you. Not just by using your name in his email, but by listing his real name as Kevin Conway. This is the header of an email he sent me:

From: Kevin Conway [mailto:conwaykevin25@yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 12:33 PM
To: Steve Cyrkin
Subject: Re: A suspended member has sent you a message on Autograph Magazine Live!

That's clearly fraudulent and something you and others he may be contacting in your name need to know about.

The other thing is that he said he only "plagiarized" from Ripoff Report--that he didn't write it. Yet, as you said, he's posted several variations of the same report that are very close to things he said here.

I am not going to reinstate him, but I will give you the choice of whether to leave this blog up as a warning about "Mike Rosen" or to delete it. It's clear that nothing he has said can be believed.

Let me know.



I have no problem with you leaving this blog up.  If nothing else it is a case study of how these unscrupulous forgers think and operate.  And, how bizarre their behavior when they are exposed.

I actually did a little searching on this forger and it is unquestionable he wrote all the rip-off reports and started this post.  Apparently about a year ago, someone wrote a legitimate rip-off report on him for selling a forgery that he would not refund.   And the person who wrote it started with the exact same title he used for me “conman……” even all in lower case letters as his accuser did.  He probably thinks it was me, but I wouldn’t waste two minutes on him, except to defend myself.    I guess his life is really in a pathetic state right now.   This is a 63 year old man believe it or not.   I will be patient but “we” WILL catch him eventually.


My apologies.   I was responding to "Mike Rosen", and grouped you into the mix because it appeared you were the same guy.  But, I stand corrected.   I am as close to positive (as possible without watching him login and write this stuff)  who the guy is and he has been harassing me off and on since I called out his forgery activity back in the days of the Is It Real forum.  Though I am puzzled what has stoked his fire after not hearing from him in a long time...?  Maybe someone else reported him or "called him out again" and he thinks it was me....?

What he does is whenever someone mentions his forgery activity he uses his attorney as an intimidation tool to silence anyone who calls him out.   Then he , as most forgers, engages in personal attacks since he cannot of course defend the forger accusations.    He uses personal information such as address, phone numbers , eBay accounts as another intimidation tool.  For example, when I actually corresponded with him a few years ago, his response to me was nothing more than my name, address and a few links to my website as though he had “something” on me.  What he could NOT do is give a me a single item on my site that was not genuine.   As you see he does in his “Ripoff” article. He states I ripped someone off on a “$100,000 treasure”…I actually laughed at this.   What “treasure”?  And, WOW I wish I had an item worth even close to $100K.   Also he states I sold a John Hancock… Another Wow!  I sure wish I had a John Hancock.  Maybe someday…

With consistency you see here in his original post, he states I have a different eBay account to Buy with, again as though he has “something” on me… Holy Smoke!  Can you imagine someone using a separate account on eBay to buy with, and one to sell with….  And that I make “Private” my Buyer auctions.   I make then private for exactly people like him that use my Buying activity , to do, well exactly what he does here.

So, to “Mike Rosen”. I have only one thing to say to you!!    Would you PLEASE write at least FIVE more Rippoff articles about my business?  (and make sure you include links to my website, www.cvtreasures.com)

BTW  CHris,  you are correct I should have a return policy as I do with my regular business.  On all of my eBay autograph auctions I state in big bold letters, Guaranteed Authentic for Life, and include a link to my site.    Even in the link "mike" provided you will see "THREE COAs included",  including my own Lifetime Guarantee of Authenticity.  So again his slanderous intentions are not even truthful.     The reasons I took away the return Policy (other than authenticity) is when I started selling autographs on eBay I had at least a half dozen occasions that the buyer returned for no reason.   Than I saw TWO of these appear on Ebay for sale , one as a reproduction and one as an original (even though the original was returned to me). .




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