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I totally Agree Jor - El 

Particularly with your last sentence I thought exactly the same thing  this morning - I too think it could be totally down to S&S themselves with their own Autopen machines and having some 16 year old newly employed S&S  trainee churning these out 19 to the dozen!!!

Who Knows ! I didn't buy one from S& S or Coles but got duped by Indigo and am only trying to help on here  ! The only dreamers are all of us who thought we were getting Dylan Sigs for £500/$600 in the first place ! 

I think you misunderstand what we are saying. 

Booksellers don't produce these books. That does not mean they are not the ones responsible to get you your money back. That's just how it legally works.

I'm not saying Bob Dylan's camp doesn't know. But the wording of the post is off: "the author" is not even 3rd person Bob Dylan. That post is clearly written by the S&S marketing team.

If this came to criminal court for fraud then all angles would have to be investigated. Who commited the fraud, who conspired, who was (unwitting) complicit? That's not on us. 

Legally we can deal with the seller. If you bought from Premiere it would be difficult to start a case against S&S, because they did not take your money. Premiere could start a case against them for their damages, but I'm sure they won't.

If you bought from S&S then you have a case against S&S. Whatever transpired between them and Bob Dylan's team is not relevant to our case.

I don't think they'd risk it all for $600,000 on something that will easily be outed. I am pretty sure they will produce some legal terminology that will serve as an out for them.

"...This is $600,000 worth of fraud....That’s not nothing on the balance sheet even for S&S..." - Really? They made nearly a billion dollars just in 2021

At what point does it become unethical to resell on ebay? I know the answer..I wont do it.  But if S&S is standing by their authenticity letter...? We all know it it not signed by by Bob. Even Bob knows this fact, It is total BS. But who can blame re sellers?

You are 100% correct. This is THE case of two wrongs do not make right. I am pissed that I am out 600& change. There is no positive spin to this story

Who else is getting the Fedex delivery tomorrow besides me?  Since I opened the Paypal dispute as item not as described, Ive decided to accept delivery tomorrow to see the autopen.  That way my claim has some merit.  PP does not allow me to edit the claim to item not delivered.  The only other thing is to close the current claim, refuse delivery tomorrow (and maybe a 3rd time) and open a new one as item not delivered.  Such as mess

It's been a while since I've done a Paypal claim, can you close a current claim and open another one? I thought you can only open a claim once? I know you can change the reason on an opened claim though. 

I'm not telling you what to do at all as only you can do what you think is right, but if it were myself, I would accept delivery, as you have proof another photo to match on here - the Fake signature / Worthless Letter Of Authenticity from Mr Karp and some leverage I'm sure. 

I would continue with the claim, on the claim make sure you post links to this chat and maybe add some of the photos as proof too, that way you / they have irrefutable proof and Paypal must come down in yours and everybody elses favour - I would imagine with the NO RETURNS the bulk  of orders were  paid via Paypal anyway - so they will be working tomorrow  with all these big claims from the same company (Snow Commerce)coming through, Paypals alarm bells should be ringing and i'm sure it will be escalated to Paypal Hierarchy anyway  - lastly i would also escalate it and if you have to phone Paypal and speak to a manager, and get it escalated as high as you can. 

Ive decided to accept the delivery tomorrow.  I will post the signature.  Who knows maybe I will have the 16th variant lol!

Got this response back.

I got the same response, which I answered by saying it was unacceptable and fraudulent. I already disputed with PayPal so now I need to follow up with them. 


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