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2020 $50 donation

2021 $100 donation

2022 $350 donation

Or a monthly recurring donation.  It doesn't specify a minimum amount.  So I think they'll probably update that. So you could probably get in for less than $350- especially if they bank on you forgetting to cancel it.  

One thing about the photo I received for a $50 donation a couple years back is that the autograph is much fuller than in person signatures that I have seen. So these are pretty expensive now, but if you are looking for an authentic (not autopenned), nice signature of a rock legend this might be a good way to obtain one and help out a charity at the same time.

So, if I do the $15 recurring, I'll get a picture?

To participate, become a Janie’s Angel with a monthly donation OR make a one-time donation of $350 or greater (one week of LifeSet services @ $50/day) before December 31, 2022. All existing Janie's Angels will also receive an autographed photo. 

NOTE – eligible donations must be made through this site. All signed pictures will be mailed by January 31, 2023.

One of the suggested recurring donations is $15 a month. So I believe you'd be good.  

I wrote in to ask-

1) Is there a limit on the number of photos that will be signed for this giveaway?  The number of autographed photos will be determined on the number of responses (donations that met the criteria above) once the year end campaigns end.  Steven Tyler will autograph that number of photos based on those responses.


2) Is there a minimum sum and duration to qualify for the giveaway should we opt for the monthly option?  Janie’s Angels are recurring monthly givers and the donors are free to give whatever amount fits their financial abilities. For this promotion, we prefer that donors give a minimum of $5 a month for 12 consecutive months, but there is no legal obligation after the first payment.

Nice, I'll do the $5 and get the picture; thanks

Hopefully, people remember this is a charity and don't take advantage of this by pledging $5 and canceling as soon as they get the photo.  That'd be a scumbag move since it's a charity to help girls suffering from abuse and neglect. 

I get not everyone has the same finances. Some will only be able to do $5 a month-and if it is kept up for 12 months the charity is well in the black.

But people need to also recognize there is a cost to even just print these photos, have them signed, and mail them out. Not to mention transaction fees for the donations and staff pay to prep the mailings.  Just saying,-we're near the holidays. Let's try to help out a good cause as an autograph community and not ry to exploit the system.

Right, 60 bucks is a steal for this. It's kind of weird that you can't just send them the $60 in one shot though.

100%, planning to keep this up.

I wrote in to just make the information clear, so that anyone who would like to give but is having some monthly cash issues would know that they can still help in their way possible whilst growing the collection.

thanks for the post and the clarification on parameters, 

Good cause with a good reward that I plan on sustaining as well

(*Dylan should start a hurricane relief charity called Blowin' In the Wind and do similar, to get back in good graces after his autopen PR nightmare)

I’m in, thanks


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