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Here is another to compare…

Here are the two I ordered.  Both look slightly different and one looks to be signed with a different sharpie.  Curious what everyone thinks the consensus is.  

Jeez, i dont know, looks bit wierd to me but im not de ver the last time fiasco so dont mind me

Here is my copy and another to compare.

And from Van's Facebook a day ago of items he signed last week for Action against cancer. 

So what does everyone think?

I think that, like Ozzy, he learned his lesson when he got caught the first time and signed these…again, open to evidence otherwise 

So, did he really sign this print?

Think so.

Still available, consensus after some time has passed is that these are real. I just bought 2

Thanks dude. If you're hearing they're real, then I'll get one too. 


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