ALICE COOPER Road 2LP (Color) +DVD or CD + DVD With Autographed Postcard - Newbury

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Got one, thank you 

Sold out.

Had a feeling if we waited long enough Steve Harkins @ Ingram/RnRC would come through. Take your pick they're all there:

Very interesting. Always regretted not picking up a Schools out with the Killer album. Now that we know what we are getting, im glad they are available again. Got the Schools Out album as soon as I saw this. I havent been monitoring their channel lately so really appreciate you posting. Thank you.

Mine was shipped yesterday from another independent record retailer. Kicking myself now because they charged above these prices. I ordered because Zia canceled. I tried the Target listing and it canceled so I thought it was the only option. 

Sorry to hear that. Honestly if I had found a school out version available yesterday for say $130, I would have bit thinking it may have been my only chance at that point so I dont blame you. 

Same. Both Zia and Target cancelled so I caved for Killer at 50% above retail.

Thanks for the TSL heads-up, I now got Schools Out too.

Thanks for TSL post. Picked up new CD.  Thinking about School’s Out LP.  Anyone have experience with their LP shipping?  Do they package well?

I have just bought Killers from TSL but I am in the UK and they have an history of cancelling my orders, so we’ll see

Hit and miss. I have had several damaged vinyls from them. And not always the post offices fault. Happened during the packaging process. They use the regular vinyl cardboard mailers.

My order got cancelled.  I ordered one each of Killer and School's OutI as I thought the limit of one applied per title, not the entire order.  Anyway, my order got cancelled and I got slap across the wrist.  I've not had much joy with TSL.  I think I will give it a very wide berth in future.


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