I received this morning my first ever Arnold Schwarzenegger autograph, but, although it came with a COA, I very much doubt it is authentic - I have spent a few hours searching the Net and this forum for real Arnie autographs and I must admit mine doesn't look a thing like those he did sign. Even the COA doesn't look real to me: it is probably home-made and even has a spelling mistake (futher instead of further).
I bought the autographed photo from a French eBay seller, so I suppose it might be a European forgery notwithstanding the fact that the COA is signed by someone who is supposed to be a member of the U.A.C.C.
UACC is an organization that's probably seen better days. That being said, anyone can be a member by paying their dues, so even if it is true, it's irrelevant. The Registered Dealer program was the only *seal of approval* type system when it came to sellers.
I also concur with your assessment, that doesn't look authentic at all.
Thank you for you reply, Rich.
Regards from France,
Why do you put "TTM" in the title? TTM usually means through the mail from the celebrity. Buying it from someone who mails it to you is not TTM. Did the seller claim that they got it TTM?
In any case, it just looks like a bunch of loops. I am not an expert in AS autographs, although I do own a few. The one you posted looks to me like a poor interpretation of what his signature looks like.
As for the COA, they are only meaningful if the source is trustworthy and respected.
Sorry, my mistake! Being more than a rookie collector, I hadn't really understood what TTM stands for.
I wanted so badly to own an Arnie autograph that I didn't even have the good sense to check beforehand whether there was a chance this one was genuine.
My eBay seller has other Arnie autographs that more or less look like this one and while checking the forum for AS autographs I saw one from Poland which did look like mine, so the country of origin of the forger might be Poland or one of the Eastern European countries.
One thing to do regularly is to run the sellers name through the search engine here and see what might be seen. It can be very enlightening.
the name dolce-vita57 doesn't seem to have been recorded on the forum yet...
Well, it is always worth a shot and has led many to read useful threads that helped them save time and money or confirmed a good seller. Looking for dolce-vita57 now leads here :=) The next person to search will be in luck.
That looks like a facsimile (copy) of his signature used on a letter. It’s either autopen or preprint BUT that is what his actual sit down signature looks like. His in person examples are usually messier but still pretty readable. Again, not an expert but have seen many authentic examples so I have an idea.
I saw "TTM" and went in search of a secretarial or preprint signature for reference.
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