I'm interested to know your thoughts on Autograph World LLC? They are a Registered Dealer on UACC and sell many items on eBay. Thanks!

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Autograph World is very reputable, and as far as I know, they're the world's largest dealer in modern, primarily signed in-person Hollywood autographs. They back up what they sell with a meaningful lifetime guaranty—we've seen them step up and recall hundreds of Charlton Heston autographs almost every dealer sold that turned out were signed by his secretary. They're good, honest people.

Modern celebrity autographs can be treacherous, and sometimes a good in-person professional collector turns bad. So I agree with what Brandon Mysinger said in a different discussion, which applies to ALL dealers:

For the greatest safety when buying, get independent opinions before you buy—you can get them free from AM Live. If our members don't like it, that doesn't mean it's bad...just more likely to be. An autograph may be genuine, but not look clearly so. If knowledgeable members of AM Live like it, you're less likely to have a hard time selling it in the future, because it's likely to meet the expectations of the marketplace.

manon, do a search on AML for autograph world.   their ebay account typically has many from public signings they have attended.  when there have been problems they have stood behind their products.  only one AML member claimed they had "issues" but it wasn't well articulated before he was booted.  When there was a problem such as Heston, they quickly pulled many listings and acknowledged the study posted on AML as being more probable than not.  Essentially, that have stood behind what they sell.


I agree with you overall, but the way you wrote your reply it sounds like the person was booted because they had issues with Autograph World. That of course isn't true. I don't even know who you're referring to.

I believe it doesn't state that he was booted because of his unarticulated accusations.

Who are you talking about?

Thank you Steve and DB. I did search on AML, but didn't find anything except photos posted and purchased by members. That is why I posted my question :-)  And the reason why I asked was because I often see some of their auctions start at only 0,99 $ and I was a little skeptical. Why would they start at such a low price? :-)

The .99 cent ones are typically for "lessor known" celebrities or a "teaser".    They also have a 2ndary one where the start at significantly higher.   Then once you become a customer expect an invite to their auction. 

They sell so much volume they can afford to entice you with lower start prices as well. If it goes for $5, they'll send it to you and maybe you'll buy more in the future. Sometimes they start at a buck and go for $100 and more. But they leave it up to the market to decide. When they make less on one item, they make more on another. 


Autograph World is a solid honest company with great Autographed products.

They stand behind erverything  they sell, and take forgery issues very seriously.

I have brought a few items to their attention in regards to Authenticity issues, and each time

they handled it professionally and promptly.

You will be well served to buy from such a reputable company!!!

right you are bob.  like all places one must still do your homework regardless.  When the scarlett johannson came under scrutiny, although AW stood by their authenticity, they opted to have them redone as they appreciated the distinctions that were being made.

Hey DB what are you taking about?

I don't know this story. Can you link me to where it is or show me the item in question?


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