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pics a bit blurry...sorry I just cant ever get a good shot of this no matter how hard I try...but here is one of my Dimaggio's PSA certified...

How does this Joe D match up?  Good or no?

I don't like this one Steve...a little shaky...formation is off to...

The J and D are clearly drawn. Sorry.

Now that the Joe Dimaggio discussion has been open again....please any and all opinions on this Joe D ball...I have had this for a while and I was "felt" it was good but never really sure... speed and certain characteristic formation has always had me feel it was a good one...but I have been surprised in the past before...please any comments at all on this good or bad will be appreciated...I know the bad ones are super easy to spot...I never felt this was one...but on the other hand also was never 100 percent certain either with his signing patterns all over the map that it was authentic either...lmk brothers...

Hey CEE, anytime I see those "g"s, it throws me off.  but here is a PSA authenticated one that I believe has similar characteristics.  I think yours is probably good, but not the best example of his signature.

Cee Gee... DiMaggio is not my strong suit, but I think this ball is good.

I often compared my ball to what used to be my pinnacle card which I sold last year...the gg that looks more like zz from this comparison which is an authentic piece always made me feel my ball in question was good...even the D I said I just dont know for sure...I love the ball...I guess I just got to bring it in to get a look at the next show...

Here is another one of my good ones...JSA

Right after Joe died, his lawyer Morris Engelberg, was selling a bunch of signed items, mostly balls I think.  It's been said he had Joe signing on his death bed.  Does anyone know anything about the stuff Morris was selling?  I believe he was selling through the internet but I do not recall the deatils. 

Yes, I believe the estate items were marketed under the name Yankee Clipper Enterprises. In his biography, it indicated he signed a ton of stuff for the express purpose of selling after his death. Joe wanted the bucks... even in death.

I actually had purchased from Morris in 2001...a few years after Joe D passed...he was selling balls for about 450-500 at the first he didn't want to deal with me because I wanted to pay in payments and he flat out refused...he finally agreed and I was able to finally get an authentic piece directly from Joe Dimaggio Estates...and was YES called Yankee Clipper of my favorite pieces for years because it was my first real piece of a real legend...After receiving the ball in the mail the same day I read in Beckett Baseball that he sold all remaining items to Steiner Sports...not really sure but I may have purchased the very last piece or one of the last pieces directly from Joe D estates...that always made that piece very special to me...


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