I have been collecting Star Wars autographs since 1998.  Not all of my signatures are on Star Wars memorabilia.  For example, when I met Warwick Davis at a comic convention in New York City, I had him sign a Willow photograph.  I also have publicity photos of Sir Alec Guinness and Christopher Lee from the 1970s, and a Natalie Portman signed The Diary of Anne Frank theater poster from her performance on Broadway back in 1998.  My current wish list includes Peter Cushing, Terence Stamp and John Williams.  I am interested in knowing about the collections and wish lists of other members.

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I went cold turkey on new comics last year. Just didn't have the time or passion anymore to keep up with them.

I still pick up ECs here and there, Neal Adam's Batman/Detective and golden age war cover Actions. I started collecting golden age Actions about 12 years ago. I wish I moved faster then because the price increases have been brutal. 

I really need to thin the herd with comics. Wayyyyy too many longboxes.

I usually purchase the trade paperbacks when they are released.

I read the walking dead in TPB.

We will have to have that discussion one day. I am still a Marvel guy even tho I have hardly any Marvel books on my hold list.  Mostly Darkhorse licensed projects Buffy, Firefly etc. and I love Fables

Anything by Peter David, Frank Miller or John Byrne....I'm still there.

Pete you had one time mentioned the number of forgeries you've seen at disney world. Did you ever go by the Star Wars merchandise store (star trader???) and find any there? Id be curious to know if the forgery bug had made it's way there as well.

The only SW store I saw when I was there in 1992 or 1993, was the gift shop alongside the Star Tours ride, and that was mostly cheaply made action figure knock offs, plush junk, buttons, patches and the like. As I have grown up, I came to the conclusion that staying in the airconditioning up here in the northeast is far nicer than the heat and sun of Florida.        

Haha. I hear you. I'm in the Deep South of Mississippi and so it's not too much difference for us in terms of humidity.

Well I guess the good news is that the store that you are referring to has upped it's game quite a bit. I wasn't as well versed in autographs, however, the last time I went.

Tatooine Traders sells authentic Star Wars autographs.  I have no idea what Star Trader is.

Michael....did you notice the question marks at the end of star trader? That's code for I'm not sure the name FYI. It's suggests something similar in nature. Thanks for clarifying for us, sir

From what I saw on your Disney thread the stuff has improved immensely. The last autographs I saw in Disney (again back in 92 or 93) were worse than the garbage they peddle across Las Vegas in every casino. 

It may have been called Star Traders in the past but I would not know what they sold back then.

Hopefully J. J. did not attend because he is too busy with production.  Either that, or he is nursing Harrison Ford's ankle.


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