This seller is flooding the hobby with more crap and his "specialty" are his Skybox Seal of Approval. Jordan, Kobe Iverson, Mourning, Duncan and many more. This is at least his 6th different 1985 Nike card with a fake Jordan signature c-shark has sold within the last year...all having the bogus 'Seal of approval' by Skybox. He also has an Upper Deck card signed by Wilt Chamberlain....with the Skybox Seal! 

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I don't even know Kobe's but I see a complete difference in the ones you posted vs the PSA authentic one.  C sharks are slowly done, thick writing, ZERO flow... awful.  One doesn't need any credentials to see it.


Horrible Kobe Forgeries.  Not Even Close.

The Kobe card in the PSA holder is not c-shark's! Take a look above to see what happens when c-shark gets a hold of some of the blank cards that were never signed

I couldn't have said it better Randy. I also happen to know that scoreboard had a huge amount of cards signed that were lost in moving from one warehouse to another and recently found. A lot of people have never seen them. This Dumb Vito guy thinks he knows everything. Know-it-alls have closed minds. I have seen kobe sign his name in variuos ways. This guy is simply a want-a -be authenticator. All he has is an opinion and it tears him up when others don't agree with him. Good Luck to You !!

Randy didn't say anything except the Kobe in the PSA holder, which is NOT yours c-shark, was authentic. Randy failed to comment on the other Kobe cards I showed that you DID forge and rip people off on. Stop focusing on the PSA Kobe, you never sold that! 

"Scoreboard had a huge amount of cards that were lost in moving from one warehouse to another recently found" That is a LIE!!!!  When did this happen? Scoreboard has been out of business for years, so why are they all of a sudden moving to another warehouse? Also, how did you, c-shark, just so happen to get your hands on all these "lost" cards? I challenge you to provide a link to this story, c-shark. Shouldn't be difficult to find since it just recently happened, right? Oh, by the way...if this recently did just happen, how do you explain all the Scoreboard signed cards you have been selling for years? Do you have a time machine and go back to 2008 to sell these recently found cards? Let's see the new report on this, c-shark!

"This dumb Vito guy" Wait a second, aren't you the one c-shark, that was supposedly so upset at the lack professionalism & how name calling was beneath you, that you stated you were leaving and vowed to never return? Sounds like more phony behavior from a complete fraud, know as c-shark. Let's see what good ol Randy has to say now.

THIS IS c-shark


Here is an example of a blank Kobe card that was never signed. Forgers like c-shark love these because it's easy to commit fraud with. Your turn now Frank, let's see the proof of the recent warehouse find!

Below are examples of how the blank cards look before c-shark forgers them and creates a fake "Seal of Authenticity." 


I'm certainly not a Kobe expert and his early autographs were all over the place and I know he signed cards for insertion into Score Board products.

However, it is also true that cards that were intended to be signed never were as the examples you show prove so it would be easy to forge an autograph on them and they would likely fool most collectors who have little knowledge.

Just as a test, I picked what I considered the most likely Kobe autograph C-Shark currently has for sale which is the 1996 card with the Scoreboard Stamp clearly on the card.

I submitted it to PSA/DNA's "Quick Opinion" service this morning and it has been deemed "Likely Not Genuine."

If that one is not genuine, I have to agree with Dom that likely all of the Kobes are fake.

I spent $10 just to clarify that Dom knows Kobe and it looks like he does. 

Good job Dom.

That's a bunch of crap, Frank.

There is no hoard of Scoreboard signed items that were "moved from warehouse to another."

The Kobe's are hilariously bad in this thread, and the Jeter is flat-out laughable. If you meet Jordan 25+ times don't you think you'd bring an 8x10 at some point, maybe a b-ball? You have access to Bird, Magic, Jordan, Kobe, Lebron, etc yet you just have them sign cheap little reprint cards? LOL. 

*Bird only signs tickets other than a few shows a year (usually private signings). 
*Magic is a good signer, but access to him is pretty tough. (I sat a few rows behind him during a Dodgers game and still had to sprint past security between innings to get him to sign my ball)
*Jordan, damn near impossible unless you catch him at a golf tournament, in which case you'll probably get a golf ticket/program/ball/flag signed.
*LeBron, one of the biggest a-holes I've ever seen. I've witnessed him SEVERAL times completely ignore small children, even the handicapped. I've even been around him with crowds of less than 10 and he completely ignores you.

Great post, Dom.

I just posted the below Derek Jeter forgery listed by Ebay seller C-Shark.

Thank you Mr. Williams, I'm learning from you! I'm not great with Jeter's but even I saw how bad that is! It's a shame Randy had to waste $10 because of c-shark. Ryan is right, it is near impossible to get any big name superstar, and yet c-shark an unlimited amount signed perfectly on each card. Where are the buyers common sense?!

Below is an example of a blank 1997 Scoreboard Tim Duncan card that was never signed that got out into circulation. There are thousands of these of Duncan, Kobe, Iverson, Drexler, ect. Forgers love buying as many as they can get because of how easy it is to commit fraud with them.





Dom, we just have to continue to expose these Ebay sellers of forgeries.


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