Derek Jeter Forgeries.....with Steiner Holograms?!?! I got PSA Quick Opinions!

If anyone read my post the other day about all of these items with Steiner Holograms but no COA card you will recall seeing multiple items including 8x10's and balls.  Well today I saw a Jersey with a Steiner HOLO but no COA card and decided to get a opinion from PSA.  

Here is the Jersey I submitted to PSA.  AND CHECK OUT THAT PSA RESPONSE.....LIKELY NOT GENUINE!   How many thousands of people have these counterfeit Steiner items in their collection?  


Obviously these aren't real Steiner Jeter Items (and you won't get a forgery if you order directly from Steiner)....This is part of a huge fraud that is ripping people out of millions of dollars.  I've seen more of these than I can count.  People are removing Steiner HOLO's from cheap items and putting them on forgeries to make BIG BUCKS!

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That's not true - reps from companies have huge pull at ebay. I know people that work for them. They have stated that if a rep contacts them about things like this ebay steps in and pulls the fake items and can lead to a suspension of the person if proof is given they were doing it deliberately

I know Upper Deck has done it in the past and muhammad Ali has a rep who keeps in pretty close contact with ebay
If this were true these items all would have been pulled by now :-). eBay used to be much more receptive to these requests than they are now for whatever reason. To the best of my knowledge they don't even allow third party moderators anymore.
It is true I was discussing it with one of the workers I know there just last night
Do you know FOR A FACT that a Steiner rep has reached out?
I have not contacted anyone about these specific items because Jason said he already did. The last time this happened I contacted two reps directly and they told me that since ebays rule changes the only thing they could do is use the same reporting system as everyone else and hope ebay took action.

Keep in mind that most of these items aren't being sold on ebay, but rather through various forums and facebook memorabilia groups.  So with that being the case, there isn't a whole lot that eBay can do. 

I simply took the pictures from the facebook groups and made auctions on ebay, simply so I could run the quick opinion.  

What I am saying is Is if there are fakes autos with Steiner coas on ebay that a Steiner rep can talk to someone at ebay who will then sort it out.
The fact is that many of these reps don't bother to make the call. I know for a fact though that this happens (reps contacting ebay and getting items pulled)
This first happened in 2008 with Muhammad Ali items with steiner holograms. I broke the news as I started to see a flood of items. Mc heck out the link below this was put up about 9 months after I brought it to steinersports attention.

Ask them what they did back then with all of these. They gave people a new certificate for the item. Yes they replaced the "lost" cert with a new one to go with the fake item. They don't care about this at all.

When this happened with the Ali items it was believed that someone that worked at steiner stole a heap of hologram and put them on fake items. But I think that someone is now making the holograms and using them. I have seen this recently with another very large company which I am trying to prove and will post when I do.
Is that company Upper Deck? I have a follow up about them I will post later

I wish that website out pictures up to help everyone out. Also 600-1000 for an Ali is about right lol, actually a bit steep lol


Great work! And thanks for digging into your pocket for PSA Quick Opinions. I rewrote this discussion's title to "Derek Jeter Forgeries...with Steiner COAs?!?!" The original title could unfairly hurt Steiner. Hope you don't mind.

This appears to have been going on for a while and it seems to be getting worse.

I wrote about it on my blog back in February:

Steiner has taken the stance that you need to buy from them to ensure authenticity. In my opinion, this is not acceptable. What good is an authenticity hologram if it essentially "expires" the second you drive the car off the lot? The Steiner hologram only counts for something if you buy it from them? Then why even bother with a hologram?

In my view, Steiner needs to step it up and protect their own brand!
Especially because a large chunk of their business is wholesale to dealers who sell on eBay and other websites. Protecting their reputation outside of their own website is in the best interest of their own bottom line.

That's a pretty good forgery if it's fake. Looks a lot like his rushed sig. I'd say almost every Jeter Steiner jersey i've seen he has signed in the middle of the 2, and the Steiner holo is usually in the spot where this auto is. So placement is wrong. The jersey also looks like a cheap bootleg and that's something Steiner would never have him sign.


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