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Does this look to be legitimate? 

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Thank you for your respectful response first. I guess the difference here is I don't collect autographs, I get them in person, I am the guy all you guys are buying from. I am the guy in the trenches and I know my craft inside and out. Been doing it since my uncle Billy took me down to the ball park at 10 years old in 1990 and I was hooked ever since. Like a vast majority of all the autograph hounds around the US, we started with sports and advanced up to music, celebs. It's natural, at a young age we stand around the ball park and wait for cabs to pull up and drop players off, and after a while you figure out where the cabs are coming from and just go there (hotel). While spending countless hours at the teams hotels you get lucky with bands staying there (my first was Metallica) and you start to figure out where the bands stay and it spring boards from there. The knowledge and experience that comes from 25 years with a sharpie in my hands cannot be replicated by people who just collect/buy. That is why I recommend Roger to people all the time on here, of all the authenticators he has the most field experience and though it disappoints me when he makes errors I feel he is still the best option for music hands down for anyone that is national credited. There are not many people that have been getting graphs in person as long as me but he's one of them. Also guys like (sorry for any misspellings) John Brennan, Mike Weirman, Prune etc.... there are about a dozen of these old guys still around that have a few years head start on me but me and my class were just behind them and there aren't many of us around anymore either. Short of identifying myself and where I am from I cannot prove anything more then any of you can and I have never demanded anyone on here justify there experience or ID them selves because in the end, none of the crap matters, the truth is in the ink my friend. The ink never lies, but people do... I feel I have put in many hours work privately checking out ebay items and sellers for people, FREE, never once promoted anything I am selling, I take a lot of time to create visuals for people and really try to educate people which is something I don't see on here often but I learned my lesson, never get involved with anything that Roger Epperson is attached to. I'm out of here for a long while, I really don't need this. There are few people with real seasoned field experience that even bother to help out with the site anymore, they've all been scared off. Kindest regards.

So you use a fake name, a fake email address, a fake city in your profile, you claim to be out there 25 years with a sharpie in hand, yet you are concerned about your boss or friends finding out that you are an autograph guy?

You are a string of lies wrapped up in a mystery and expect people to believe anything that you have to say....because you claim to be out there in the trenches.

You have had no issue being rude or claiming that others are in cahoots with TPAs, you did it to me when PSA gave a quick opinion on a Ford that we disagreed on.

You are certainly not the only person on this site showing samples and examples backing up their opinions.

So tell me, sir or madame....whoever or whatever you are, who is the troll?   


N. Steiger reminds me a lot of a certain Jim Officer. When I was looking for older Pink Floyd threads I stumbled accross this one:


Quite an interesting read. Mr Officer is also collecting since the early 90's, stands on every corner with his sharpie, knows everything about Pink Floyd and clearly has nightmares about TPA's. Especially on page 2 it gets interesting. Jim Officer last post was in september 2013. I'll let anyone draw their own conclusions.

At least they have to know eachother, being around on the streets for all these years and the fact that according to N. Steiger the real hounds are such a small gang.

Very good, Bjorne. Excellent analysis. Same misspelled words, same poor grammar, and same phrases. I am inclined to think you are correct.

And if I'm not mistaken, Steiger enters the building shortly after Jim dissapeared. Steigers first thread was titled "new to collecting" with a question on a Macca sig. It appeared to be a joke he said some weeks ago, to test the forum.

I don't know why someone changes nicknames and has to test a forum if you've already been there for a while. If you got nothing to hide and stand behind your words, why not continue with the nick Jim Officer?

IF it's him of course, and I apologise if I'm wrong. But my gut feeling rarely let's me down.

N. Steiger,

Why leave? Aren't we doing what members and collectors should do by discussing our concerns and obvservations? You've offered to pay authentication fees on certain Harrison autographs if Tracks OK'd them, because you're sure they're bad, yet there would be no way you'd be able to pay if you were wrong without identifying who you are.

BTW, something to keep in mind is that while you can identify most forgeries from images alone, nothing replaces examining hundreds or more examples of an autograph in person. And the experience of highly respected specialists who have followed certain autographs for decades, like Tracks, Epperson, Caiazzo and Thorsten is something not to be discounted. And while we're on the subject, if you think those reputable dealers/authenticators will call things genuine so they can buy or auction them, think again. Authentication advances every day and they guarantee authenticity. They'll have to buy back any forgery they sell sometime in the future. Plus they just wouldn't do it anyway. Their reputations mean everything to them.

One thing I really learned from this site is how difficult autograph authentication can be. I'd say 95% or more of the forgeries out there are easy to identify with a little research and experience. Take in-person squiggles out of the picture and it's much higher. But that remaining 5% or less? Figuring out what's atypical and genuine and what's a great forgery is a lot harder than you think. 

BTW, you say you don't collect, but in a discussion where a collector wanted authenticity opinions on his Albert Einstein you told him his was good (I agree). How did you know that? 

He got Einstein at least 17 times IP on his last tour.
Really? How does he do that??? Einstein only signed for me once...outside Coach's Corner.

I once shared images of some of my stuff with Steiger, primarily, I must admit, just to be able to share my little collection with someone - another way of trying to enjoy this hobby, which is still fairly new to me.  He took one look at a particular signed album I owned and said it was no good.  It is the one and only major purchase I've made without asking Roger to look at it first. The reason is that it came with JSA full letter, so I assumed Roger had already reviewed it; this was a mistake on my part.  After Steiger expressed a strong opinion that it was no good, I asked Roger to look at it. Roger said it was no good and even suggested the origin of the forgery.  On the basis of Roger's opinion, I was able to work with the person from whom I obtained the album (who, in my view, is a completely legit, honest guy), and return it in exchange for an amount of money less than what I paid originally.  Throughout the entire experience, I never became angry or frustrated.  There's nobody to be mad at.  I was just a little disappointed.  Point is this; I don't hang on every word written by N. Steiger.  But he's never been anything other than helpful to me.  And in the case I just described, while it caused me some inconvenience and a little money, I would still be staring at an album of dubious authenticity had it not been for him.  

That's a good testimonial.
Chris, I second that.
We exchanged some emails and he has been very helpful. I believe he really knows what he is talking about.
I think If he leaves it would be a great loss for this forum.

The knowledge seems to be very concrete. But when you start off lying to the forum members, and then getting caught in other lies along the way. Plus a back story that doesnt make any sense, then the motives behind everything come into question. He is a very knowledgeable guy, no doubt about it, but i have to agree with Bjorn. I go with my gut, and my gut tells me something isnt right here. And i dont know what truly knowledgeable collectors/dealers have been run off this site. Except maybe for Roger, because of all the phony accounts that popped up in a 2 week time to try and ruin his name. Interestingly that it all coincided with lawsuits. The main guys who used to comment here that i looked forward to hearing from left or rarely comment anymore because every comment they made was then somehow turned into a negative by another autograph site. That or they just attacked that individual with nonsense to try and smear there name to try and get there opinions out of the hobby. It certainly wasnt due to the regular members harassing them or trying to question them every time they turned around. 


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