Allen Radwill of Guarantee Autograph makes Malicious Threats

Late last night I received the email below from Mr. Allen Radwill of  Guarantee Autograph ( He threatened me that if I post anything else about him on Autograph Magazine Live, he will UP his online anonymous retaliation against me.

To make a long story short, about 5 years ago I was one of many who "outed" him on another autograph forum. He made several threats then, but I never heard from him again until about six months ago. That's when several online review sites (, getpayback, scambook, etc etc) appeared with completely false reports about a John Hancock letter he supposedly bought from me that was a forgery.

I have never owned a John Hancock letter.

But, of course, Mr. Radwill posted online anonymously and he could never produce the Hancock letter, or a receipt or COA of ANYTHING he has ever bought from me.

Note in his email below how he assumes I am retaliating by writing such reports about him.   Mr. Radwill gives himself a lot of credit thinking reports against him are anything other than genuine reports from his victims.

P.S. For you Dealers, take note, as "Ecommerce Terrorism" is a growing epidemic. Be prepared to employ a solid Reputation Management Strategy, BEFORE this happens to YOU.

Email starts here:

"Kevin Conway,

    I am monitoring what you are writing about my client and noted your NEW complaint in the autograph magazine blog on February 10. I was under the opinion that there was a  truce, but  you have demonstrated otherwise. So now I am obligated to do a new response in return. Next time,I will do two responses to your one and this will geometrically compound.  Kevin, I do this for a living,so the ball is  in  your court. As a follow-up to my previous email; I noticed that there are techniques that were used on the Complaints that show up for your competitor  that make it more difficult to remove (below).  These same techniques can be used toward complaints that show up for your companies, CV,,,etc. ,.  I am proposing that you make the changes to any complaint listings by removing any back-links, tags, or even the entire review itself, replacing it with other text -and I will do  the  same. If I see that we are both making  reciprocal progress, I will not have to take similar actions. You also have an Ebay account which makes you doubly pervious. I am also proposing that we mutually agree to  remove the complaints. We can get the complaints removed if we send that site a fee.

 - multiple google submissions of the same url
- back-links from other complaint sites

- link-back to other complaint on pissedconsumer

 - 3 of the same exact complaints
-  posted a  link back to another complaint


 - tags added to bottom of page

I am cognizant of  your SEO methods :

·  John Wayne autograph sigend photo - Similar

Conways Vintage Treasures

Autographs Vintage Movie Posters @ Autographs Original Movie ... - Similar

 Thank you very much,Mr. Conway--and let's not cause each other further havoc.

Internet Master"


Tags: Allen, Autographs, Guaranteed, Radwill,, of

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Replies to This Discussion

I can't believe someone would be so dumb to put an extortion threat in writing.

Be sure to save the original email message with all the headers.

Oh Yes, I've got everything ,  all his emails, his phone calls, his harassing eBay ID, etc etc

this guy has way too much time on his hands

Why post this here?  Totally unrelated??

He never once says all of his items are legit or Kevin was wrong.


This has nothing to do with legitimate vs fraudulent autographs. It is strictly a smear campaign from an unscrupulous individual who is fiercely revengeful when someone reveals his suspicious autograph selling activity.

That was my point. He can't accuse you of selling junk so he will just smear you. I am sorry this is happening to you. I get your newsletters and everything has always seemed professional and legit.

Thanks Chad.   But, I realize this is the price you pay when trying to take part in cleaning up the "seedy" side of the autograph market.   Many, if not most, dealers don't want to get involved.  But if we all have that mentality, what are the ramifications to the entire collecting industry?   Just take a look at what has recently happened to one of the most defamatory contraptions out there, autographalert.   

There is no doubt Steve Cyrkin's site had a lot to do with that, along with taking a bite (however so small) out of the reservoir of bad element within the autograph collecting community.    Is there any question WHY autograph forgers HATE Autographmagazine?   I say Kudos to Steve to maintaining this site!

Radwill's threats to continue defaming my business will not be a deterrent no more than any other extortionist I've ever encountered.

Dear Kevin,

As I understood you are a full-time dealer? I don't recogniize your website by your name, could you provide some info about yourself and your website? Thank you, Dmitri.

 I just recenly purchesed a pink floyd " without roger"  m,lapse, of reason, program from his site and was very happy with it, untill i proudly came online here to talk about it, asking if any knew the site? immediatly recived some warnings!! and thought i,d ask Allen if he would like to comment on the remarks,, nothing happened so i cancelled the order asking for my money back, which he did do !! but also sent me a bunch of sites to look at, about Steve Cyrkin. nasty stuff!!  B,S ofcourse as the more i read about rippoff press and autographalert. and get payback, i realized the lengths people will go to,,, crazy lengths!!       Thanks to this site iv,e been one of the lucky ones!! i normally buy from England as i live in Sweden, and this was my first American purches,, so iv,e learnt a lot ,,, very quickly,,  p,s with the money i got back i bought a HELMET signed guitar, from advatised here !!! over the moon with it     Thanks A,M live,,, steve

Dear Steve,

Sounds like you are a new collector just like myself, I've learn it in the hard way. I would suggest to deal only with REGISTERED UACC-AFTAL-ACAF dealers. Do your homework and study how to buy an autograph. You can learn it in this wonderful magazine. Also very helpful and , go to advise portal.

I have much more info and experience and gladly will share with you. You can contact to me using my regular address 

Best regards, Dmitri.


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