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Just bought these two items as a new collector. They are pics from seller and I am waiting for them to be physically mailed to me. I have two questions:

1. Do you think autographs are authentic?

2. If real, do you recommend having them formally vetted anyway to ensure no question in future?, and if so, who do you recommend for such pieces? PSA/DNA, J Spence, others?

Thanks for your help!

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The Michael Jackson does NOT look authentic. Expensive and elaborate framing jobs usually means FAKE autographs -- especially coming out of Vegas.  Get your money back if you can.  Of course they recommend Drew Max -- the forgers best friend!

+1 esp with the framing. You can see it coming like a sunrise sometimes.

How did you pay ?  If they haven’t even shipped, you have to have options. E.g., credit card, PayPal, check, .... don’t accept shipment and stop the payment. Once they have your money, you will have an uphill battle where you are going to lose a portion of your payment. Stand your ground. There can’t be a re-stocking fee if they haven’t even shipped !!!


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