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Wanted to try and start up a post for the next week or so with deals coming up at many places or some have already started up.

BAM has started a BOGO - buy one get one 50% off on may signed titles, including some just released like Josh Brolin and Jim O'Heir! Which is annoying seeing as may of us purchased them at full price possibly even up to today from different places and they were just mailed out.


I saw some stuff on TSL for the books and other albums (again, some haven't even been shipped but they are now discounted a little grrrr)

Nothing really out yet on B&N, I saw clips of some TikToks where it looks like stores are setting up and you can see some displays with signed books piled up. I don't use tiktok so I could just only really rely on google to play the videos and I recognized some of the covers.

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Stopped by my Barnes and noble about 6pm last night. Didn't expect to find anything but hoped to pick up a signed ms Rachael book for my daughter and maybe an extra Natalie Portman for my collection. It was different this year. Signed books were scattered all over the store on small tables and end caps. Nothing really seemed worth it but I left with Hillary Clinton to pair with a bill clinton I bought online and also bought a Kate McKinnon for my SNL collection. Im starting to get into making custom auto cut cards and these will work out nicely. 

Just a heads up for others still hunting to check all around the store. There was even a small endcap filled with signed books near where the checkout line ended before getting to a cashier that everyone was skipping. 

I forgot to check around in my store. It seemed like they were all on 2 tables up front at mine. I do remember that last year, the signed children’s books were on an endcap in the children’s section. They were up front this year but I didn’t check around to see if anything else. 


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