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There's no way they were sold on Black Friday. They just heard you ask about signed and assumed it was Black Friday, because that's when all the signed merchandise is usually done.

I called a few stores, only one had a copy, and its 20 miles away. Won't hold it or anything. Im at work, and already have a copy, so it'll be for another lucky person. They're out there.

I called around as well. Only one store out of a few got a single copy, and it already sold. 

I don’t have instagram. Can you screenshot?

That's a bad way to run a business! Cancel initial orders for no reason and then advertise  more later! For in store purchase only. Way to go B&N 

Yeah that let cancelled mine as well the Barnes I called offered to ship but I wasn’t going to chance anything happening so picked it up on lunch 

How did shipping come up? I wonder if someone called outside their local range, if Barnes would ship it instead.

They said are you gonna pick it up or do u want it and I cut her off and said I’d be there shortly 

Did anyone actually get a set from Amazon? 

Nop, not yet. Some got their orders canceled - I am assuming people who ordered more than 1 or 2.

I spent all morning calling and running around to B&Ns by me in Michigan. Thankfully there are a ton in the Detroit burbs. Probably called 20 stores between here and where my brother lives in NY. 3 stores said they had it for members only and couldn't hold it. And 1 near me actually held it for me. After all that I ended up with 2 somehow and I'm still in shock. So call every B&N near you ASAP and you might just get lucky.


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