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Ebay Seller Basemad Sells Forged/Counterfeit Derek Jeter 1995 Upper Deck Card For $102.44

Immediately below, is a link to my previous blog titled "Derek Jeter Forged Signed Counterfeit 1994/1995 Upper Deck Baseball Card Parts 1 and 2.



Immediately below, is a link to my blog on Sandy Koufax forged/counterfeit "2000 SP Authentic" cards.


The below forged/counterfeit Derek Jeter "1995 Upper Deck" card was sold by Ebay seller Basemad for $102.44.

The seller's title reads "1995 UD Minor League Derek Jeter auto , may be counterfeit...No return."

So the seller basically announces that they know it is a counterfeit card, but still sells it.

Even though they had the honesty to "sell it as a forged counterfeit card," I still have to place blame on the seller for not destroying it.

I have no doubt the buyer will attempt to flip it either on Ebay or elsewhere.

A true collector would have destroyed it.

Here is that forged/counterfeit Derek Jeter "1995 Upper Deck" card sold by Ebay seller Basebmad.


You can observe the raised "R" in "Jeter" on the front of the card.


This is one ugly and obvious forgery penned by an idiot forger.

Again, observe the raised "R" in Jeter confirming that it is a counterfeit card.

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