Hello Folks,

I need some help with this autograph.  I bought it from a UACC, AFTAL dealer off eBay.  I tried to resell it on eBay after I matted it along with a cool photo, and was immediately flagged for trying to sell a counterfeit autograph on eBay.  The dealer I bought it from is one of eBay's "Top Sellers."  He's been selling on eBay 20 years!

I contacted eBay and the violation was removed from my eBay record because I bought it from one of their "Top Sellers."  Now, I need to know if this thing is authentic or not.  I would greatly appreciate some opinions from the learned, battle-tested, and experienced amongst you kind folks.

Thanks, and  Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays

Patrick Michael Bratcher.

Tags: Errol, Fake, Flynn, Real, or

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This Flynn appears authentic. It’s very strange eBay would remove this.

I did send it in for a PSA online opinion.  The verdict came back "Unlikely To Pass" or something like that.  The person I bought it from is a highly rated, longtime eBay dealer, with a sterling record.  I'm  thinking maybe eBay got wind of the PSA, 20 second examination result. I don't trust those online opinions AT ALL!

Thanks for your input.

Mike Bratcher.

There is debate in the autograph community on whether or not the personal checks are personally signed by Flynn. The amount of research I have conducted in the matter is that the personal checks are personally signed by Flynn and your example does resemble his signed checks.

Forgers and secretaries always have a tough time replicating the “E” in Errol and I think it is spot on with your example. Flynn autographs are not rare by any means and he was a very willing signer. Most fakes you will find on photographs/lobby cards.

The authenticators at PSA and Beckett leave a lot to be desired in Classic Entertainment autographs.

There was a theory that his business manager was signing the checks but Flynn seemed to always be “borrowing” from him and then paying him back with a personal check. There are many checks out there paid to his business manager (blanking on his name) and signed by Flynn, only would make sense that it was actually Flynn signing them.

Most autographs signed in person by Flynn have the salutation “Hello, (name)”.

However, the old adage holds true the only way to tell an authentic autograph is to see the signer sign it with your own two eyes.

Hi Partrick - 

I could swear I have seen this signature or another close to it before.  Is that "Robin Hood green ink"?  Looks green but it may be my screen.

I'm a bit skeptical as it's quite neat and ink looks rather fresh.  The first name especially strikes me as very carefully executed.  Almost looks like it's in the style of the secretarial signed checks that are floating around.

Was there an inscription as well before framing?

Hi Etienne,

Yep, that sure looks like "Robin Hood Green" to me!  Anyway, the dealer I got this thing from has 40 years in autographs.  His credentials and his eBay sales record is sterling.

I sent the sig in to PSA for an online review.  It came back negatory.  Some kid eating a ham sandwich late on a Sunday evening probably did the review while trying to keep from falling asleep. I don't trust those online reviews AT ALL!!!

eBay probably got wind of the negative review, and yanked my listing as a precaution.  The lady at eBay said she didn't know whether the thing was authentic or not.  My record was cleared because I got the authograph from one of their long-time "Top Sellers."

Personally, I'm of the pursuasion that it's legit.  But I could be wrong.  Anyway, as it stands, I'm really no closer to knowing whether it's "gravy or grease, yet.  Time will tell, I hope.

Thanks for your input, and your Friendship,

Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays,

Mike Bratcher,

Happy holidays to you as well, Mike!

I also think it looks ttoo fresh and slowly signed. 

Hi Michelle,

I'm Mike.  Thanks for your input.  So far, that's one maybe it is, and two maybe its nots.  I think I'll just let the dust settle a bit on this one.  The dealer said I could return it anytime for a full refund.  Flynn is a "Biggie!" I don't want to make any hasty decisions one way or the other.  I need a little time to chew on all that's transpire today. 

However, I do greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on the subject!


  • This looks authentic imo. I would buy it.

I did!

Nothing wrong with it. PSA quick opinions are totally worthless. Beckett's are the same. It's easy money. I could train a dog and get similar results.


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