Evelyn Lincoln signed letter about JFK assassination - explosive content!

This letter is an amazing read for anyone interested in JFK's assassination. Evelyn Lincoln was President John F. Kennedy's secretary, I believe, for 12 years. In the letter, 31 years after his death, she pulls no punches about who she thinks was responsible for JFK's murder.

I say good for her. Upon the approachment of the 50th anniversary of the assassination, for whatever reason, the national media seemed hell-bent on still cramming down our throats the lame Lee Harvey Oswald-acted-alone crap, maybe still due to pressure from the government, even though 2/3 of Americans believe it was a conspiracy.

Yet this is the first time that I have seen someone so close to the situation state in signed documentation that they thought it was a conspiracy. Not even Clint Hill or much less a member of the Kennedy family - even though apparently many members of the family had the same thoughts as Mrs. Lincoln. Her conclusions, through a lot of study, are the same as the ones I have reached.

I had never seen this letter before. I thought some members of this site might be interested, so here is a link to the auction for the letter, as well as some pics:


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Steve, the one thing I have could never believe is the final shot as shown in the Zapruder film is President John F. Kennedy being driven backward into the seat. I have fired weapons all my life for many reasons and Never has my target come in the direction it was shot from, every time it was away from my shot. The fatal shot could not have come from the rear.  Scott W. Arnold

Former President Richard Nixon also called The Warren Report "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people."

He also said that both he and LBJ were very ambitious men. As Nixon stated, "We both wanted to be President. I just wasn't willing to kill for it."

I was afraid this would happen. This topic gets people fired up on both sides.

Here is some information on the Liberty Lobby issue -- http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/denial.htm

The Nixon hoax comment, taken in context, was made during a discussion about the shooting of George Wallace. The hoax was how the right was blamed by the left for the Kennedy assassination. They didn't want something similar happening in the Wallace case.

Well, I'm not sure what context you would need to understand, "the Warren Report was the greatest hoax perpetrated upon the America people." It's the Warren Report that deals with the assassination of JFK. Nixon was calling IT a hoax, as in not factual, possibly a cover-up. He also said LBJ was willing to kill to attain the presidency.

And how to we get around former CIA Director Richard Helm's testimony that former CIA agent E. Howard Hunt was involved in the JFK assassination. If that doesn't indict the CIA, it certainly indicts at least one member.

Moreover, another former CIA Director, William Colby, also implicated the CIA in the assassination.

And how do we get past THE EVIDENCE of the negative ballistics tests on Oswald, the trajectory or movement of JFK's body after he was shot (back and to the left), the fact that part of JFK's brain went missing after arrival at Parkland Hospital, LBJ's tampering with the crime scene (having the limo thoroughly cleaned the next day), witnesses who saw Oswald in the LOWER level lunch room just seconds after the assassination eating lunch, and many witnesses who said the FBI would NOT accept their testimony because it would not fit the FBI's story. Furthermore, there were doctors who were present at Parkland who later viewed photos of JFK's later autopsy and reported that the body had been tampered with.
Sorry I made any editorial comments. :-). This is obviously an inflammatory issue.

Just as an FYI, James.... I used to feel the same way you do. As I got older and started looking at all the theories more critically, they just didn't hold up for me anymore. I prefer to subscribe to the theory of Occam's Razor -- the simplest explanation with the least assumptions is usually the correct answer.

One can choose to believe in a Byzantine web of conspiracy that must have involved dozens, if not hundreds, of participants from numerous shadow organizations and everyone was silenced or kept the secret, or you can believe Oswald was a deranged, angry young man who shot the president and some elements of the investigation were botched.

I choose the latter. But that is what makes the world go around... Differing opinions. :-)
Hey, no problem Steve. You certainly have every right to your belief and I to mine. As they say, agree to disagree. But I'm certainly not upset with you or Chad - just with the assassination and WHOEVER is responsible.

I think we can both agree that freedom of speech (and opinion) is a wonderful thing. So if you will, please accept my friend request. Don't worry, I won't bombard you with JFK stuff! :D
Lol. No problem!
Also very interesting are Executive Orders 263 & 273:

NSAM 263: Getting out of Vietnam — On Oct. 11, 1963, Kennedy signed National Security Action Memorandum 263. This ordered a withdrawal of 1,000 troops out of roughly 16,000 Americans stationed in Vietnam by the end of 1963, with the complete withdrawal by the end of 1965.

NSAM 273: Mysterious timing — Signed on Nov. 26, 1963, this was the first National Security Action Memorandum on Vietnam under President Lyndon Johnson. NSAM 273 effectively overturned Kennedy's NSAM 263 and ordered the planning of increased activity in Vietnam. The memorandum also authorized open-ended covert operations against North Vietnam. This, in turn, led to the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which President Johnson used to obtain congressional authorization for a drastic escalation of the war. THE DRAFT OF NSAM 273 WAS DATED NOV. 21, 1963, the DAY BEFORE THE ASSASSINATION; however, Kennedy had not ordered its creation and did not see it. Newly sworn-in President Johnson signed 273 on Nov. 26, the day after Kennedy was buried.

This was a complete reversal of JFK's Vietnam policy. Looks like a quid pro quo to me.

It was a conspiracy between Steve and James. Case Closed.

I was born 14 years later so you can't blame me:)

You are correct, sir! It was a conspiracy between us to become friends, which we are now! And a hoax (lol). Why? Because, we are friends now! Please join us, and please accept my friend request, Chad!

And believe me, I'm going to keep reading about it. And, honestly, I actually hope that I change my opinion to believe that Oswald did it. Because I really don't like thinking that my government could do something like this. Anyway, Chad, best always to you!
Request accepted. You are cracking me up already.
I love it when an autograph's content causes a discussion. That's s big piece of what these fragments of history are about.


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