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They have several once upon a time cast members and a signed picture with multiple cast members.

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No actually they sealed the deal as anyone with a little knowledge on autographs can see they are signed by the same person. 

So thanks for proving in public you couldnt spot a fake even when circled with pretty colors. I am sure anyone who googles you your company or that other banana will love this topic. And they ALWAYS DO find these. So Bury yourself further Mr Uninformed who goes to the set but somehow sells forgeries. Maybe someone can shoot off a email to the studio for this show and show them this topic. I am sure they would love to know the dealings of this "company". 

These are horrid forgeries, sold by Canadagraphs.. Obvious forgeries. And the typical attitude of the seller of the forgeries coming here and trying to act big and tough just shows that he is very aware of the problem. 

Canadagraphs should know that any time someone searches for him on google or any search engine, that this thread will show up front and center, and everyone can read and see the "proof". Too bad the proof doesnt show what you want it too.

A common practice of forgery sellers is to actually obtain 100% real "proof" photos of the athlete/celebrity signing that exact item.

They then go on to sell 100 of that same item with those "proof photos", 99 of which are forgeries. I've seen this plenty of times with the cast "signed" posters I have exposed. The forgers will even forge the signature in the EXACT SAME SPOT the celeb is signing in the "proof" photo. 

Ryan, why did you open a 2nd account just to back up your 1st accounts point? You could have been more clever with the name selection.

"Obvious". I eagerly await you (or your alter egos) validation on how you came to that conclusion. Like I have said several times, if you cant be bothered to do ANY work in explaining yourself, who is going to take your poorly thought out "reason" seriously?

Not sure what you call "big & tough". All I did was accurately pointed out what a pile of morons there are in here. They all have so far babbled on opinions, based on "angle" of the signatures, which was logically explained, my attitude, which has no bearing on a graphs legitimacy, and your alter ego posting a pic with a bunch of circles that I assume have a meaning.... but since he never explained his logic, I cant even point out why hes...errr, you are wrong, and an idiot.

Yes, I do know. I also know when they read both sides of this debate, they will see how 1 side constantly made "opinions" that they not once tried to back up, and the other side, who constantly demanded they get off their lazy, uninformed a****, learn something new, and actually investigate the post they are discussing...and have so far done absolutely nothing like that, with the exception of your alter ego circling a bunch of parts of the photo, and 1- not explaining WHY you did or 2- even who the hells autographs they are (maybe if you knew, you'd know what their graphs looked like & why you are a moron for going through the effort).

Instead of wasting your time to create a new profile to back up your 1st ones post, spend that time ACTUALLY investigating. I dunno, maybe google or go to ebay & find what their autographs look like. Might be a starting point. THEN you can come back here, with your tail between your legs & apologize, or dig your hole deeper on your ability to spot a fake. Either or, quit wasting everyones time.

Hey dopey we have 2 ryans. Unlike your signer who has one handwriting. 

Dear dopey.

You want to believe everything is signed by 1 person, but you don't want to believe in the 2 Ryans being the same person?

So you believe in Santa Clause & not the Easter Bunny?

FYI - I don't discount that there COULD be 2 Ryans, just incredibly odd they BOTH happen to respond to the same thread, repeatedly, less than an hour apart, repeatedly.
Wanna talk suspicious...well, that trumps the item you guys are still "investigating" oh so well.

Great deflection. Not obvious at all. 

Maybe they are maybe they arent. You are still selling forgeries and not addressing it. Lets pretend for a second they are the same person. Why do your graphs appear to be signed by the same person? Stop trying to deflect and stick to the point here. Its CLEAR they have been signed by the same hand and you claim to have got them in person. Which means the originate from you. Bright one are we? 

Are you really comparing two people with the name Ryan to someone selling a tremendous amount of forgeries and claiming they got them in person? 

BTW PSA Just failed several of you items through quick opinion. I sure hope that dont bring more attention to your ebay store... i mean his ebay store..

Carl Ryan, and Ryan are indeed 2 different people.  I know both of them personally.  This is just info so you are aware of it. 


Remember the part on how I can be a bit of a prick?
Well, even though I never actually bothered to check into them, I did assume the possibility that both Ryans were 2 different people was a reasonable 1.... I was being more of a dick than actually believing it.


Just thought it was funny they both had the same pattern for replying, held the same viewpoint, and neither ever contributed any proof of their findings outside of some circles on a photo.

it causes me more concern, you have at least 3 people in here, who are allegedly "good" at this stuff that have the same opinion and are willing to publicly state it as fact, yet did no homework into it.


The reason several people have the same opinion, is because it is blatantly obvious CRAP. All you are doing is deflecting questions, trying to turn the blame on us and our lack of "knowledge", and letting us know how mind blown you are by circles.

Even a newborn ape would stare at a circle on a photo, as it is meant to draw attention to that specific point.

I am done with this thread for awhile, as I have completely humiliated yourself and outlaw_hobbies


If you actually clicked on Ryan's profile (as you suggest everyone else here do with your website) you'd see Ryan is a real person - not a fabricated 2nd account.  He's one of our lead contributors to the site. 

May I suggest you do your homework as well?


I am a tad concerned that hes a "lead contributor" here based on his feeble analysis & VERY adamant insistence hes right, despite no proof.
Might want to re-consider his opinion as "valued", "competent" or "worthy".
I have a post (somewhere in here....(navigation of this discussion is hard with how the posts don't all line up in chrono order) where I dissected his circled photo "proof". I would recommend it be used to teach him & others how someone who actually is capable of analyzing items can spot a real item vs a fake.

haha, touché.


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