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They have several once upon a time cast members and a signed picture with multiple cast members.

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Id put up my real in person graphs to . But im sure they still would say yours are fake . I think your in a no win situation . Even the moderator is against you . Haha . Your website looks like all good graphs . Hope this blog doesnt affect your sales .

Anthony I'm not "against" anyone.  I've not stated any opinion other than the top photo looks like no other item I've ever seen signed by multiple people.  He and I discussed it in a kind manner and he saw what I meant.  It's just an opinion on that pc only.  I did not go through any other particular autographs - single items or otherwise, to compare them. 

And if you read through the entire thread, I gave him a lot of kudos for having a ton of photos from the cast set--I was trying to get the members to see those weren't just photos dug up on Google like most forgers do, and that there are 100's if not 1000's of photos showing he was there.


LOL am in stiches william not bad mate gotta say you are a funny guy so far almost every post has cracked me up

Ryan I don't think everyone is giving him a free pass just yet.  I wouldn't buy the cast signed auto for anything.  Even if the sigs compared close enough to authentic---just because of their placement, size of letters, same direction etc.  People just do not sign like that--even in an every day setting (like a group greeting card).

Do I think he's out there getting autographs ALL THE TIME, yes, I do.  Do I think people know him to be a "somewhat" of a good guy at getting in person autographs but sort of an arse in personality?  Yes. They've said it, and he's said it.

But at the same time, just because someone is out there all the time or because he's always been a good guy or a good collector, doesn't mean he couldn't get a little hungry or do something really stupid.  There are plenty of people in autographs that were once best friends and would have stood up for each-other in a heartbeat, but later found out otherwise that the person did some shady things in this business.  The minute you tell everyone you trust someone completely is the day you'll get burned.  JMO

If something looks off enough to me, I'll question it too. 

Well, in this instance, they did sign "like that". Now that I've looked at the pic 10+ times, I see what people were saying about it even less & less.  Early on, I too thought :interesting how they all slant to the right", but really, now, not as  much.

Maybe if they were all signed in the SAME slant, I'd be more weary, but they aren't. Theres 3 or 4 definitive directional shifts. Several also signed straight across (Schram, Phillips, Arenberg, Anders, Gilmore), so who signed those? As far as no one signing at a left handed slant, my guess it courtesy. Not a single person on that item is a prick. In all the cases it was signed in a calm, casual situation where 5 or less people were asking them. They probably looked, picked a spot & made sure they didn't sign over top of anyone else just to be nice. Not sure what else went into their logic when they signed it, but hey, I'll ask them when I put together my video presentation of why Ryan should quit doing this.

As for you personally...that is a exceptionally crappy outlook to have...and that's coming from someone who has lost pretty much everything in his life at 1 point, is bitter at the world & thinks most people are idiots...and I'm saying YOU have a bad outlook. You basically are saying you never trust anyone. Not sure what horrific tragedy happened in your life where no one you ever meet again can be trusted, but man, I would hate to be THAT paranoid that I continually think "if I trust this person, they'll screw me over".

I encourage you to question items you think are off....but if the person you are questioning, comes on, and gives 20+ detailed posts on why the most damning "evidence" someone can conjur up is a photo with colour coded circles to show "similarities" in writing styles, is wrong, maybe you should start to question just how credible the person with the "evidence" is instead, I tore his post apart in 20 minutes, and gave not just "reasonable" doubt, but pretty damning doubt why he was wrong.... could you imagine what a lawyer would do with his "case". If your site ever went up against someone with the time & money to be a bigger prick than me, I see you guys closing down via legal action.

I would recommend EVERYONE in this thread, take the time to take some actual course on handwriting analysis. Because so far, I haven't seen a single reasonable doubt piece of "evidence" from the lot of them yet.... but theres at least 3 of them who aren't just saying they THINK its fake, but "know" it is.
My favorite part is the guy who said hes not an OUAT expert as well. Heres an idea, become one, before giving your "expert" opinion then.

My only problem was the multiple signed Item, that's the only one I questioned in the entire thread so far.  And my reasons why.  I am just not comfortable with it and if someone was offering it to me (lets say its even MJ stuff), I'd say no, just based on the look.  And that's ok because we can all have opinions- if its legit so be it. 

As for the trust thing, its not happened here to me, but I have seen it happen with others in numerous threads - where two great partners in graphing end up enemies as one decided to do something shady and the other found out.  It happens - unfortunately - a lot.  Nobody knows what everyone will do, in every situation.  Especially if someone is reaching a breaking point and they think they can pull in a little $ on something.


Follow up question and first off, sorry if you feel my "analysis" of you is harsh, but its what you presented with your post...which brings me to this.

You've said you have doubts about my item. Part of that comes from your evident "don't trust anyone" philosophy.
So, do you also not trust Ryans analysis as well?
Judging by your philosophy, you shouldn't trust him either.

Are you seeing the dilemma with trusting no one?

Sure, he's not selling me anything :) 

Could I stake my life on him never doing anything shady?  NO.  I couldn't stake my life on my best friend either.  When people get put into certain situations, sometimes they can make decisions we think they would never make.  Its unfortunately life.  And because I'm not them, I don't know how one person may or may not react to a certain set of circumstances.

But I like Ryan and I'd send folks to him for an opinion on an autograph that he is familiar with, and if I know someone is looking for an item in what he studies, I'd also send them to him.  He's never shown anything questionable here - of his own items.

By the way you said I have doubts about your item partly from my "don't trust anyone" philosophy.  Wrong.  I don't like the way it looks.  Plain and simple.  It doesn't look like what I would normally see on a multi signed item.  No less no more.

My statement on trust was to others who vouch for all in person graphers as always being legit (because they see them out there, because they collect with them, because they have always had honest stuff).  Some day vouching for them could come back to bite them.

Heres an example or two.

I know someone who bought out an autograph business he had total faith in.  They never had anything questionable, had a fantastic reputation, and he trusted they had authentic items.  They had what they considered trustworthy in person graphers getting their items.  Later he decides to advertise some of those items.  And a few were not legit.  Guess who took the hit on it verbally and still does to this day that he sells "forgeries".

Another example goes to another MJ deal.  A guy named Adrian who is out there hounding all the time, gets MJ a bunch of times and he has a stash he wants to unload.  He sells them to a bunch of people in the UK he knows (up to this point he was an awesome in person collector by people who "knew" him).  Well they switched hands 2 more times into legitimate sellers merchandise and were later found not to be authentic. Adrian told everyone he got them in person but that was a lie.  He dropped off stacks of things for MJ to sign at his trailer and he'd pick them up later.  Someone else had signed them, not MJ.  This was a huge huge mess for the folks across the pond.  All because of one "great in person collector" said he got them in person.

And as I said, its unfortunately happens a lot. 

Whats wrong with the autographs candagraphs is selling . They looked pretty dead on . It doesn't look like the same hand . I've gotten  all these people and they all look good to what Ive gotten  . The Goodwin looks dead on . Morrison look good , the Josh Dallas looks good. I looked at there Twilight selection and that looks 100% legit to . I would look at more but he looks like he sells good stuff . Do you guys have ones that you collected yourself to compare ?? Or are you just making a guess or educated guess.

That chart with the circles and saying the letters form the same doesn't show anything . I compared them to autpographs Ive gotten from the people and they have the same letter formation shown .

I get the questioning the autograph part , but to deem the autographs not authentic because they guy comes off as defiant is stupid. I don't think anyone would be happy if you work all day at a living and someone comes and questions your livelihood. Especially when they don't have the proper facts to back it up . Except to say "any moron can see they are fake ".


Anthony how do you feel about outlaw_hobbies items?


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