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They have several once upon a time cast members and a signed picture with multiple cast members.

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I literally don't know what I am replying to here...but I'll amuse myself & try to guess.

You are either suggesting

1- I am signing everything for Outlaw Hobbies.

2- All the items are real, since 2 different sellers, on 2 different sites have items looking exactly the same.

3- Or, the cast of OUAT purposely have had a discussion in private on trying to make all their signatures look similar so that anyone seeing them would think they were all signed by the same person, yeah, that's it.

Also, is it JUST my OUAT cast photo you think is fake, or are all my OUAT graphs fake? Or is it everything? Important side question to validate how stupid you are.

The problem I have with the photo being discussed (cast signed photo) is that they are all the same angle/placement, and look like they are done with the same hand.  You mention people looking for room, all right handed etc.  But to me that really doesn't wash.  

I will say though, that I did spend a lot of time looking at your web yesterday (specific to OUAT) , and its very obvious you are a fan of this show and have been on the set nearly every time they shoot.  You do have proof you've been there--not just random "Google" shots of these people.  Its not just photos either, there is tons of blogging done on the series - talking about each episode, spoilers (surprised you haven't been told not to do that honestly lol) but you do show for sure you've been there.  To me that would be going above and beyond trying to prove autographs.  BUT at the same time, you'd be surprised at some of the things that have been uncovered here on this forum, so I'm going to reserve my opinion at this point.

see, I can actually respect this opinion.

I've answered the angle question as logically as I feel I can.

I have had more than 1 cast member and an exec ask me to stop my blogs on the show, or at least wait till after the eps aired. I've toned them down at their request, but as I told them last season, if I don't, others will....so it might as well be me. Theres several site bloggers up here who do the same stuff, so they have too many to stamp it out all together. Also, this isn't even close to how many times they are on location..... I really only go for them when they are at 2 diff places, because 1 is near my house, and the other is great for photographing & graphing.  Also, I wouldn't say I am so much a fan of the show (don't hate it) but more that I like to keep informed on things that are relevant to my businesses.

You are entitled to an opinion. Just as the others here are. My issue, is when those people publicly post those OPINIONS without actually doing work in investigating what they are giving an opinion on. You've kept your opinions out of it, so I have no issue with that. Perhaps after my last rebuttal to Rocky, you'll question the "analysis" of some of your members a bit more. I know I certainly do.

I would be curious what "some of the things that have been uncovered" are...and did this crack sleuth bunch working my "case" have any input on them?

The uncovering I was a part of was Michael Jackson's designer forged hundreds of MJ's onto item he had possession of (not one looked like MJ's authentic autograph and were exactly like the designers).   He denied this adamantly and still does.  However its a bit hard to explain how Michael could have signed a stand-up cardboard cutout when the standee has a trademark logo used only after he died.  The manufacturing company of the Standee also assured us - it could not have been signed by Michael, and they were produced after he passed away.  Whoops. Its a huge thread here on this forum (the largest thread to date).  Fascinating as well. 

That's just one of them.  There are thousands of forged items that have been proven on this forum to be in fact forgeries.

That's hilarious.

You know, if I was selling MJs I would understand the scrutiny more. Afterall those are high end price tags.

As I told these guys more than once, in my years of finding fakers, I don't think I've ever seen one that doesn't work on top end stars as the cornerstone of their business.

Although I have seen some fake OUAT cast from time to time, they are also outweighed on the sellers pages by far bigger names. If I had a handful of Biebers or Britneys or some other hard to obtain people, I would understand the logic of it., but to assume I am forging items from a cast that I see several times a month, and on an item that I don't even have a sale price on and have turned down several VERY reasonable offers, is pretty laughable at best.

I would be very concerned for this sites reputation of Ryan, carl & Rock are considered valued members of your site in the department of spotting fake graphs.

This is what I would expect to see when someone has a cast signed or group signed item.  Not one signature looks like another, no similar looping, not all slanted the same direction, all different sizes, etc.  (the photo I am including may or may not be the reprinted version of the authentic one, I should have named my photos a little better in my MJ files)  Clicking it enlarges it some.

wow, that's a mess.

I've done a few cast/team signed things in my time on 8x10s & the occasional 11x14 or 16x20, and never seen something so messy.

This literally looks like the person handed to everyone in whatever direction they could get it to them fastest. I'd be embarrassed to say I got that item. It actually looks like they TRIED getting it in different colours and directions on purpose. No other explanation for an item so scattered IMO.

I agree btw about similar writing characteristics or size.
As for the slanted direction, I just checked cast signed items I am working on or have compete in my collection of others, of the almost 70 autographs on those items combined. 46 of them have a slant like the one on the OUAT photo, 19 are basically straight (mostly from the Psych & Fringe casts) 2 seem to slope the opposite direction.
So, in my opinion, no, most items will generally have a particular flow in how they are signed... as I said before, I chalk this up to the majority of the population being right handed & how they likely stand in correlation to me when they are signing.

To be honest, till this thread, I never once looked at it & thought "hey everyones signing it the same direction". Never crossed my mind in the least. In fact I applauded 1 of the cast last year for actually making sure they didn't sign over top of anyone else (which was also the 2nd to last graph I got on it.. since I was thinking I was running out of room. I only quit it after someone signed it in black.)

Anyways, I have argued with the crew of mensa members here long enough for now. I have actual stuff to do. I'm sure these "experts" will have a new crop of idiotic queries for me to laugh at later.

Ever see a Get Well card signed by a group of people?  How about a class yearbook?  They all look like a hot mess because nobody signs the same.  "Idiotic queries" over item(s) that are neatly written out, all in the same direction, nearly same size, with same types of letter formations & loops, and so on, is highly questionable.  

It just doesn't wash for me (and I could be wrong, but prove me/us wrong)...

I've tried to show that you've been there, I totally get it--your on set a lot. I wanted everyone to see that too.  But going on the autographs alone......

For the record, I'd kill you all off to own that sheet music, looking just like it does.

I think you hit the nail on the head Ryan. I want him to post his 200 gretsky autographs. i wonder if they are just as bad, lol

You even look at the names of the people you posted?
Lee Arenberg & Martin Bonjour don't even have P's in their name.

Also, now you are suggesting he is faking Lee Arenberg? A guy who has more than once sat down, had drinks & chatted with both of us... even went through the trouble of bringing a couple of his cast mates one time with him because he knew we needed them? Classic.

This is my fave post of yours yet.

no, but we cross paths several times a week & have graphed together often.

Hes the only local grapher I'd say with a larger selection than me.

Also, desnt your post validate that they are sold by different people, considering the position of the inscriptions?


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