Marilyn Monroe signed flamingo hotel menu Las Vegas real ? fake ?

Does anybody think this Marilyn signature looks real?
The menus from the mid 1950's
It's certified by GFA and AAU
it's being sold by antiquities of California for
850.00 sounds like a good price but i am hesitant.

Tags: Marilyn, Monroe, menu, signed

Views: 3986

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His signature is rare and there aren't many exemplars to be found, but this drastically differs from the examples I've seen. His name isn't even spelled correctly.

Chris, the parsons looks off in my opinion. See what others have to say. It tends took look more like this example.

Can't see it

If you click on the image you will get a closer view.

I am sorry
There's no image

Yes there is. I'm looking right at it.

It must be my phone or something
No image
I see it now
Bob Dylan with written lyrics
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A lawsuit was filed in Clark County, Nevada on August 26, 2016 by Daniel Odobas from Vancouver, Canada who claimed to have purchased 33 "suspect items" from Antiquities for a total of $171,900.00. He claimed to have purchased them between July 18, 2014 and April 30, 2015.

He sued:

  1. Antiquities of Las Vegas
  2. Toby Stoffa (an apparent owner of the corporation or executive)
  3. Authentic Autographs Unlimited, Inc. (AAU)
  4. Drew Max (their authenticator and an apparent owner)
  5. Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators LLC (GFA)
  6. Stephen Rocci (an apparent owner or executive)

In the lawsuit, Odobas alleged to have purchased the following "suspect items," represented as genuine and authentic from Antiquities. Each item came with an Antiquities COA, and in most cases, another one from either AAU or GFA:

  1. Jimi Hendrix original, handwritten and signed lyrics for "Stepping Stone," with an AAU COA.
  2. An "Electric Ladyland" LP signed by Hendrix, Noel Redding and Mitch Mitchell, with an AAU COA.
  3. An "Axis: Bold as Love": LP signed by Hendrix, Noel Redding and Mitch Mitchell, with an AAU COA.
  4. A "Texas Flood Album" signed by Stevie Ray Vaughan, Chris Layton and Tommy Shannon, with an AAU COA.
  5. A Jimi Hendrix signed vintage 1960s tie dye dress, with an AAU COA.
  6. A Stevie Ray Vaughan signed GHS Corporation contract.
  7. Jimi Hendrix original, handwritten and signed lyrics for "Rainy Day."
  8. A The Doors "Morrison Hotel" album signed by Jim Morrison, Ray Manzarek, Robbie Krieger and John Densmore, with an AAU COA.
  9. A "The Doors Debut" album signed by Jim Morrison, Ray Manzarek, Robbie Krieger and John Densmore, with an AAU COA.
  10. A John Lennon original large, hand drawn and signed sketch of himself and Yoko in a loving embrace, with a GFA COA.
  11. John Lennon signed, handwritten lyrics for "I Saw Her Standing There," with a GFA COA.
  12. George Harrison signed, handwritten lyrics for "Here Comes the Sun," with an AAU COA.
  13. Jim Morrison signed, handwritten lyrics for "LA Woman," with an AAU COA.
  14. A Doors "LA Woman" album signed by Jim Morrison, Ray Manzarek, Robbie Krieger and John Densmore, with an AAU COA.
  15. Jim Morrison signed, handwritten lyrics for "Light My Fire," with an AAU COA.
  16. Michael Jackson signed, handwritten 2 page lyrics for "Billie Jean," with an AAU COA.
  17. Jimi Hendrix entirely handwritten and signed full page of lyrics from "Are You Experienced," with a GFA COA.
  18. John Lennon signed, handwritten lyrics for "Come Together," with an AAU COA.
  19. Jim Morrison signed, handwritten lyrics for "People Are Strange," with an AAU COA.
  20. John Lennon signed, handwritten lyrics for "Hey Jude," with a GFA COA.
  21. John Lennon signed, handwritten lyrics for "Penny Lane," with a GFA COA.
  22. John Lennon signed, handwritten lyrics for "Ticket to Ride," with a GFA COA.
  23. John Lennon signed, handwritten lyrics for "Love Me Do," with a GFA COA.
  24. John Lennon signed, handwritten lyrics for "I Want To Hold Your Hand," with a GFA COA.
  25. John Lennon signed, handwritten lyrics for "Twist and Shout," with a GFA COA.
  26. Elvis Presley signed, handwritten lyrics for "Love Me Tender," with a GFA COA.
  27. Jimi Hendrix signed, handwritten lyrics for "Manic Depression," with a GFA COA.
  28. Jimi Hendrix signed, handwritten lyrics for "Purple Haze," with a GFA COA.
  29. Elvis Presley signed, handwritten lyrics for "Don't Be Cruel," with an AAU COA.
  30. Jim Morrison signed, handwritten lyrics for "Break on Through," with an AAU COA.
  31. A John Lennon signed color sketch of his famous Lennon face, with a GFA COA.
  32. Jimi Hendrix signed, handwritten lyrics for "I Don't Live Today," with a GFA COA.
  33. John Lennon handwritten lyrics for "A Hard Day's Night," signed by The Beatles: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, with a GFA COA.

The complaint alleges that one of Jimi Hendrix and the Experience albums signed by Hendrix, Redding and Mitchell was a 1979 re-release of the album. They identified it as "Suspect Item No. 7545," but that appears to be a typo and was actually "Suspect Item No. 7515," which was the "Electric Ladyland" LP. Hendrix died in 1970.

Odobas claims in the complaint that he contacted "several well-known auction houses" and other authorities in the music field to gauge their interest in purchasing the "suspect items."

Odobas claims in the complaint that the auction houses and authorities said that they believed that the items were not authentic. They had no desire to purchase them.

Odobas claims in the complaint that he hired James Spence Authentication to inspect the "suspect items" and issue opinions on the authenticity of each of them, and that JSA concluded that they were not authentic, with the exception of the Stevie Ray Vaughan signed contract, with was inconclusive.

I was told that it appears that none of the defendants filed an answer to the lawsuit. I was told that a motion was filed to seal the lawsuit, and that the lawsuit is no longer in the court's public records files.

I can't upload the PDF of the lawsuit to a discussion response. You can only upload images, videos and links. If members want to read the lawsuit, I'll post a discussion later today with the PDF of it.

That list alone, even without images, is very telling.

and very worrying for the industry



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