Michael Jackson drawings (Miscell inc. 'Historic portraits' and 'Disney characters')

I'm noticing a sudden influx of MJ signed Michael Jackson drawings coming on to the auction market, which seem to share the common themes of either 'portraits of historical figures'  or 'Disney characters'.

Both of these themes are of course recognised from Michaels' drawings both at a young age and later in life, but it is interesting that so many new drawings are being released on to the market at the same time. 

Here are some current examples:


Tags: Michael, disney, forgery, jackson, parr, portraits

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Are there more items we could see? That socks certificate with autograph is a copy from the MW book. It's missing the star. Me & Wascher saw this kind of signature badly traced on a treasure chest a while ago on eBay.
Prashant, How are you doing buddy ? Our support is with you.

yep; + 1.  He is a hugh victim in all this.  I did email him but didn't want to appear intrusive; - but I hope he knows that people are thinking of him and do understand some of the pain and upset he must be going through.

One of the pictures that Face showed me yesterday made me smile actually, especially after being on the hunt for who was making these up for more than six months.

The photo is items from a few years ago that Jason sold.  (click it to enlarge it for detail). You'll note the same sig that "Eddie" was testing on us on the MJ pic (which has evolved since then-- just slightly, it is missing the upstroke i and is a "downstroke wonky"--its hard to see but its there).  The L on Love - ouch.   And look at that plaque on the right, Bob Jones again.  Man Jason, really?  Bob again?  I suppose - if it worked before.  You really were risking it though with another AMA don't you think?  Bad thing is - MV is the one who will suffer the consequences for you right?  If they bought it from you for a small fee.... and sold it high (which they did)...and that money is gone now (spent) what then? .... ouch!

The biggest thing for Jason is creating of provenance though (as you see that JJA and JSA is really good that was on Face's original page here)... and honestly this Corey thing was rather brilliant if it wasn't so disgusting too. He actually blames the fake consignee in the end. Here was what we were told. Corey consigned the items, but.... he would deny it because he didn't want anyone knowing it was him selling the items.  And we were all told we couldn't discuss it was him basically---because we gave our word... and because we knew we were told he would deny it.  I mean think about it... it is the perfect lie and perfect provenance... except Corey really didn't consign the items.  How can we prove this... well one way is errors in details.  Mickey Mouse put into the Cooper and Owen auction was drawn long after Corey was no longer speaking to Michael.  Jason and Company traced a Mickey Mouse that wasn't really an original Walt Disney drawing, it was from a guy who drew it from the original Disney but he created an error, an error Jason and Co also drew.  Errors in the details is how you get caught (and you guys can see how much of a maze this all is when you look back and read thru things).

I'm sure more stuff will surface as well, Face is looking through his files to see what he can help with pulling it all together tighter.  Just this first picture to me told me a whole story, though it was probably really very minor to Face to even show me.

MV, I'm not sure where you actually stand it in this.  I believe - or want to believe - your a legit person who got scammed.  But at the same time - you had items right from the get-go starting up your business from Jason. This is a Jason item... I see it now plain as day.  Notice the downstroke i.  I actually LIKED this item and wished I had bought it--so cheap too...and I too was fooled (so you guys, coming down on Roger, he studies all of modern music, I only study Jackson and I WAS FOOLED TOO.... so cut him some slack here would ya?)  I had this in my own exemplar file!  (I still have to move it actually).

These are REALLY good forgeries, with REALLY good provenance, on REALLY believable items.  Its not just "believing provenance" as Sam kept trying to stress.  They LOOK accurate too... (except tiny flaws that show up when someone gets greedy and keeps making the same flaw)

MV right now might be a really good time to chime in ??

Prashant, I feel so bad for you. I hope that MV can pay you back. I don't know if MV is Jason or if they are a separate entity.  I do know Eddie is a friend of Jason's though - the page that was deleted of Face's----was by Eddie's doing (Steve can explain, I'd rather not speak for him).


The plaque is " New " and too clean to be from 81. Appears it was made from a modern machine.

Yeah I noticed this too.... of course more recently and not when I first saved it.  Its not engraved the same as the older engraving machines worked.  I had found Jason's eBay page (where by the way, he has been buying brass already customized plates.... you just tell whomever what you want on it, and they print it for you) and was looking at the different sellers he was getting plates from.  2 in the last month alone.  I was comparing the black etched vs a real brass etched...


Corey Feldman has attatched a message to all Michael Jackson collectors. 

Thanks Mike, I knew this existed but had not seen it personally.

I believe the picture of "Corey"  (just a head crop)... came from his Coreography book he put out a little over a year ago.  A little modifying on it was all that was needed.

Face told me about a picture that Jason had cropped himself into with Michael yesterday, I would love to see that one too lol - he couldn't find it yesterday. 


Could you please post those photos on the other discussion, I did not want to take up to much space or confuse members on this discussion.  Thanks


It seems that these sellers won't sell again any items that "come from" Corey Feldman... They will find someone else! Looooool how crazy is that...

Yes I am sure Jason Makris is more than likely already spinning the next provenance letters now.



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