A couple of weeks ago I lost a bid for an item that i very much wanted to buy. I did not understand the bidding process and that was how i lost item as i would have been more than willing to go higher. 

ANYWAY, due to that loss I was looking around and made an impulsive bid on an item (a negative), and them almost immediately regretted it. So I came in here with the negative and showed it and it was 100% agreed this was fraud.  I tried to withdraw bid but could not, so i began to hope that enough time left I would be outbid as I only bid one dollar over starting bid. Then I contacted seller asking the bid withdrawn as it is not as in description....Seller not only did not withdraw bid but then began to send me emails asking me to buy other items, even then offering to sell me this artist autographs as he said he has "many"! (I would remind that this artists has been dead 35 years and the autograph is extremely RARE, so to say he has "many" further convinced me this guy is a joke and fraud). 

At any rate i am now being asked by ebay to pay for this item and i do not want to. I know it is fake. I would rather delete my account than pay at this point.  Short of that is there anything i can do about this or just have to eat the loss? 

Thank you.

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Have you contacted eBay to let them know your concerns? I wouldn't make payment on something you believe is fraudulent.

Thank you. I am very new to ebay, so not sure how to contact them. I asked a friend of mine but she said they are basically just an automated site. But there has to be a way to contact someone? I am still navigating my way around as i do want to show them the strange two emails i received from this guy.

You can ask the seller to "cancel" the sale. The seller may work with you especially with your concerns. If not, simply do not pay. You will receive a "non-paying" strike on you account although eBay does not usually suspend your account for one offense.

Whatever you do, don't pay for the item. 

Thank you. I found the way to contact ebay by phone as asking seller to cancel my bid, then later to cancel my transaction did not work (states this is from Germany and the person sounds desperate).   Ebay said for me to repeat one more time to cancel transaction and then they said it could go to some kind of complaint there by seller. They said they would not hold it against me this one time.... 

So far my requests to cancel to seller has been met with many different messages by them insisting this was an authentic negative, and arguing for immediate payment. He even messaged me and told me if i don't like this item he has "many Karen Carpenters autographs" he can sell me. Which further convinced me of this fraud. Ebay went n and read all messages and said they understand my not wanting to go through with this and said they will continue to work with me on this.

This was a lesson for me n that i will be far less impulsive and much more discerning from now on. 


Apr 12, 2017
US $80.00
+ US $50.00
Order KAREN CARPENTER 35mm dia rarPay nowView seller's other items
1 item sold by tammysgames
KAREN CARPENTER 35mm dia rar
KAREN CARPENTER 35mm dia rar
( 282418488700 )
**This is the offending transaction**

Whatever you do. Just do not pay! They will give up.

I don't plan to at all. I am still getting messages from this person.. they got weird so i stopped reading them and will just wait.

There used to be something about not entering a transaction that might be fraudulent or something. Read the "rules" with a creative eye/ear and you "should" find a way. 

Having re-read this, I don't think you don't need to do anything now but wait. And don't pay! :) Should work out fine.

:) i am just waiting. have not responded to these messages I keep getting from the seller.   The first few even the ebay rep called "weird" when they looked into them. So now i guess i just wait for if the guy makes a case against me about it. 

In that case ebay said they would remove the strike from my record if one appears.

I appreciate all the feedback on this. Was kind of rattled at first. 

one can ask to cancel it or u can just not pay and take a dead beat bidder strike .

or if he has a return policy just buy it and then return it for any reason he  has to accept it if u dont want to take the non payment strike

Clearly the seller is ant a decent individual,  ignore and move on.....talk to eBay ...he/she starts belly aching report the matter to eBay.....if he/she leaves negative feedback....report that as well.....this too can be removed........what a piece of ---- this seller really is....


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