The concept for this site is amazing! I just signed up. I apologize to seasoned users who I've already frustrated w my post w no photos. I'm new, and I'll get it. But uploads I've tried aren't posting yet. Welcome to hear feedback, ideas.

I have a range of items to add to the group and I can't wait! I needed a place like this. Dave Winfield, Natalie Portman, Fred Couples, Ken Griffey Jr, Shawn Kemp, Marisa Tomei, Chuck Daly, Quentin Tarantino...I have a weird lot of autographs I mostly collected in person. 

Looking fwd to meeting you all!

Peace ✌️ 


Tags: Seattle, hollywood, new, sports

Views: 924

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You've been a valuable member for years, and you're a friend, but your attitude here and in the Musician-Direct forum cannot continue. I wish I didn't have to say this but please take a break until you can treat people the way you know we're supposed to treat each other here.

Yes Sir,

I am under huge stress from several angles. I see it has been affecting everything. Apologies to all. I am temporarily myopic.

I will certainly be taking a break. Once again, apologies to all. It's a poor excuse but stress has clearly got the best of me right now. I'll be back soon in my usual threads and in much better spirits. :-)


Thank you Steve, many of my friends here on the forum have written to me and expressed these concerns to me as well...and you know my own history, having left the site for two years after feeling "bullied".

Steve, please do know that we are all so very THANKFUL for you for this wonderful site of yours and affording us the opportunity to share autograph tips, opinions, and leads...all within a Safe and Respectful environment for all of our members.

Sincerely, James

Hi Benjamin! Welcome to the community. I'm also a newbie here. I logged up a couple of months ago and I'm mostly a watcher, but when I've needed help the guys here are the BEST. 

Do not get carried away by this bittersweet welcome, as I am sure that your presence here will enrich us greatly. Pleased to meet you!

+1 Welcome to the community's an excellent forum with Steve Cyrkin as our Admin!

Welcome, Ben!  Welcome Juan!  Stay with us and you'll meet some great folks!

Thanks to all for the welcome! I am one of many who has been managing my own depression and anxiety for many years, so I sympathize with people being stressed out. I hope only the best for Eric and I know a community of friends is the best thing for stress, so I hope he's not away too long. I look forward to being a part of this one! I'm already sort of addicted 

Great response and welcome aboard!

This has caused me to creep out of self imposed semi-silence. Thank you Ben. That means a lot to me. I struggle too. I hope folks realize we are now friends! :-)


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