Please give me your opinions on these  5 Paul McCartney autographs:

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Three of the autographs , looked exactly like yours. I took photos . I can find them somehwere. They are on my old hard drive.

Michael .

Your mccartney looks like a mix between a 2006-2010 signed mccartney mixed with a early 1990s version .

yep -that is surely wrong (and I cant remember to have ever seen paul dating his signature in these years)

Michael what is your real name then? It would help to add provenance to your story. If your as well known as you say you are then im sure it will collaborate everything. I searched Michael Reesoun and their is nothing coming up except this page, so im assuming that this isnt your real name. And is the above picture you posted with Paul and all the kids, taken in 91 too?

Carl, I won't be posting my last name as I know who I am and really have no need to prove anything to anyone on this site. I probably would have posted it prior to some naysayers calling me (and/or implying that I am) a liar, but frankly, I really don't care what they think. The picture above was taken at the station (the old KIIS FM building at 6255 Sunset Blvd) shortly after Paul signed the aforementioned RS album and many other items for the station's staff. Come to think of it, the on-air interview that time was probably with "Magic" Matt Allen, since he is in the photo, and it was not early in the AM.  I am guessing the year was '91, but that is off the top of my head. It could have very well been anywhere from '89 to '91. Please excuse the glare from the frame's glass- I ran downstairs to quickly take the pic which is hanging on my wall amongst several other pics I have with Paul.

Best I can tell, Michael is telling the truth about once working for Capital Records. That doesn't mean the autograph is good, of course...I'll leave you to argue that.

Michael, you came on insulting and cocky and you're getting some of that back. That's natural. Please don't insult people. Let's get beyond this.

Steve, after 30 years in the music biz, I am cocky, no doubt, but I started out on here not insulting anyone. I was attacked; called a liar; and put on the defensive. I merely posted a pic of an item that I knew was authentic, hoping to be able to gain faith in some of the others ability to identify a true Paul signature. I did this for no other reason than because I had come across some other items that I was unsure were authentic. I figured if someone could correctly identify what I had as real, they would be a good and legit source to move forward with.




Here is a picture from that same day . With Mccartney wearing the same clothes as your picture. It dates it as 1989. Im thinking it is signed in the same month as mine as Mccartney was on a world tour that year.

Now here is why I dont think your autograph is authentic.

Mine was signed in November of 1989 . Yours is totally diffrent than the one I posted.

You may be telling the truth about the Kiis fm and Capitol record thing. But you arent telling the truth about the autograph being signed that day. It isnt real .


Also here is a intersting post I found about that Kiis fm interview.


I agree. KIIS sounded great up until the late 80's. In or around 1990, things took a turn for the worse with the hiring of Bill Richards as PD. If you know anyone who worked at KIIS during this time, they can tell you some amazing (and not in the good way) stories about Bill Richards doings. One that sticks out in my mind: Magic Matt scored a rare, exclusive interview with Paul McCartney. The record reps made it very clear that Paul was on a strict schedule, and would walk in X o'clock and walk out at exactly X o'clock, no exceptions. (About 20 minutes total, if I remember correctly) Instead of immediately getting McCartney on the air with Magic Matt, Bill Richards "hijacked" Paul and took him to a production studio---where he proceeded to have him sign his personal items (guitars, photos, etc) and tried to get him to record personal answering messages for himself and GM Lynn Anderson!!! ABSOLUTELY TRUE!!! If you know anyone who worked at KIIS during the time of this disaster, they likely have an audio copy of Paul McCartney going apesh*t when he starts reading the copy and realizes what it is. ("It's a bloody answering service!") I think one of the production guys gave everyone a copy of the tape at the company Christmas party or something. Anyway, by the time McCartney finished signing Bill Richards' personal stash and recording liners, he barely got to say 'hi' to Magic Matt on the air. What a waste.

Bill Richards reign as KIIS PD would also qualify for the "Biggest Blunders" thread below, IMHO.




So was yours part of BIll's stasch ??

Sorry mike . But I still think your full of it . From what I read about the Kiis/Mccartney story from that day . I dont know how you dont remember it . Its not like it wasnt one of Kiss fm's biggest screw ups or anything . Like I said , everything is documented. Did all the details slip your mind. I dont know how you cant even get what year it happened.


Anthony, thanks for re-posting a version of the same story that I told an hour ago. 

The pic you posted of Bill with Paul was taken the same day as the pic I posted (which he and I are both in). I did mention it was between '89 and '91 and that I wasn't 100% sure of the year. I can't even confirm your claim that it was '89 without doing some research, but the blurb you posted says: "in or around 1990". After 30 years in the music biz, I've done, experienced, and seen a lot- I'm old now and can't remember exact dates at times, without looking them up. 1991 was off the top of my head.

I was there; I know Bill well; I know what happened that day. The bit of info that you grabbed off the internet was posted by someone who wasn't there and is hearsay, although most of it is true. Paul actually went on the air that day before he went to cut the station liners. In fact, songwriter extraordinaire (and a dear friend of mine), Diane Warren called in on the air and spoke to Paul. I don't even think Paul knew who she was at the time. In any event, the signing of all of Bill's things were prior to the aformentioned events and Paul also signed things prior for other upper management people at the station.

Believe what you want- I really don't care. You think I'm full of it; I know for a fact that I am not. I think that you are a jackass; I know for a fact that you are. Since you apparently believe everything that you read on the internet, you now can believe what I just wrote as well!

BTW- wasn't it you who was SO sure that Paul would never go to KIIS FM? I guess that is kinda like how you are SO sure that Paul's signature is a fake.  SMH

No . I asked why Paul would be at Kiis Fm. You proved he was . There is still a lot you havent proved. Call me a jackass. Im not the Jackass with the Fake Paul Mccartney graph .

Your story keeps changing . First its I cant remember. I know Bill well , Ive seen alot . Blah Blah Blah . Keep taking your medicine old man . I think your going senial .


Some great investigatory work there !

I congratulate you on obtaining that photo and gaining the year in question of Macca being in LA with his lovely waistcoat ! lol

Now it comes to the old question that dates from the 1960's... as in the Beatles sets obtained on the UK tours in that era,

As we all know..... items were signed secaterially by Road Crew even though fans met the band, the items were not signed in front of them

Did Michael see it signed ?

Did he obtain the item personally or was it obtained by Bill Richards ?

Also Michael can you please clarify the exact date of the signing of this Lp sleeve



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