This was sold by Omega Auctions for 600 GBP +BP, and it’s now on eBay for $2,000 OBO. What do you think? I believe it’s secretarial.

Tags: Beatles, Card, Carole, Club, Fan, McCartney, Paul, Secretarial, epistle

Views: 467

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Isn't this too good to be a secretarial? I agree that the signature looks very atypical in places but the inscription seems pretty convincing and I cann0t see a secretary bothering to write one like that.

I think its secretarial as well as I was lookin at it for ages before the auction.  It sold imo for a very low price for a vintage paul sig, despite the condition. 

I think this is from the same secretarial signer:

yes, well spotted Ballroom

Looks like you and Michelle are right....

Good catch with the OP. There is hesitation an the start of upstrokes after the down on several letters after the "a". Pause, pressure and direction change.

No Thanks...

Not the first time I've seen this secretarial signature. You would think there would be enough exemplars to make an easy determination by now.

First post in this forum - thank you for having me. 

I also have hesitation about any of these signed Fan Club cards and always think twice before buying. I noticed one a few months back for sale at Ewbanks, then last week noticed it for sale on Adam Andrusier's site.

I came across this forum this week and thought I'd chime in with my thoughts on the one in this thread, the one posted by BallroomDays, and the one on Andrusier's site possibly being the same secretarial signer? 'Love to' is always a dead give away in my past experience. 

The one you just linked to at Andrusier appears same hand as Ballrooms etc..

And, WELCOME! :-)

I agree.

Thanks for the welcome Eric! Really loving reading through past posts. 

Yes, welcome! Thank you for the link. It looks like the same secretarial signer to me too.


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