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We absolutely do not have to "get over it". His autograph may be more valuable after he attempts an "executive order" which goes against the Constitution. Even though e does NOT have the legal right to do so.

The 2nd Amendment states: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Even by the corrupt Obama administration. I do wonder if he will use his auto pen to sign that order too? If not, that may be the most important autograph ever as it is signed history of him breaking the law of the U.S. Constitution

Next, watch him attack the 22nd Amendment. I'll put money on it!
With the media almost completely in his back pocket, and the Republicans in disarray (and demonized by the media), Obama has realized he can pretty much do whatever he wants.

I wonder if he will attack the Supreme Court again during the State of the Union this year. At this point, John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, and Antonin Scalia are the only firewall we have left.

The 2nd Amendment states: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Right. "Infringed".

Right. The reason the framers of the Constitution put that in the Bill of Rights was BECAUSE a well regulated Militia was necessary to the security of a free State. The right is not being "infringed." It's still there. Right to "keep and bear arms." Which arms? How many arms? Doesn't say in the Constitution. The 1st Amendment begins with: "Congress shall make no law..."  Doesn't say that in the 2nd Amendment which can be interpreted that Congress may make a law..." regarding which arms and how many arms. 1st Amendment rights prohibit Congress from passing a law regarding "abridging the freedom of speech" but it is against the law to yell fire in a crowded theater or threaten the life of someone, so the freedom of speech was abridged, wasn't it. Because of the safety of other people, right? Safety of other people.

Executive Orders have been issued since George Washington. There is nothing in the Constitution that prohibits a President from issuing an exeutive order which has been determined by the Supreme Court as having the full force of law. Article II Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution states that the President "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed" and that would include any present law regarding guns. When executive orders have been upheld by the Supreme Court, it is this part of the U.S. Constitution upon which the Court bases its ruling. And remember that the 2nd Amendment states that the people have "the right [of the people] to keep and bear Arms."  A law can determine which arms, what ammunition, how much ammunition, etc. and so can an Executive Order if necessary.

Just remember that when Justice Scalia turns 80, Obama will still be President. If he retires while Obama is President, the Supreme Court will go from 4 "liberals" to 5 "Liberals."  Even now, Justice Kennedy has at times voted with the four more liberal Supreme Court members. And don't forget Chief Justice Roberts' vote on the constitutionality of Obamacare.

There's another election next year. Every member of the House of Representatives and a third of the U.S. Senate is up for reelection. If Tea Party and far right conservative Republicans beat incumbent Republicans in primaries like was done in a few districts (and states like Indiana and Missouri) in 2012, the result will be the same. Republicans lost seats in both the House and Senate in 2012. In 2014, Democrats just have to gain 16 seats to regain control of the House and 5 Senate seats to hit the filibuster-proof super majority of 60. And your rants against President Obama now is nothing at all compared to what you will say from January 3, 2015 to January 3, 2017, when President Obama will have a Democratic House (maybe Speaker Pelosi, too) and a filibuster-proof Democratic Senate, and maybe a more liberal 5-4 Supreme Court.

As far President Obama attacking the 22nd Amendment, limiting the terms of a President to 2, I'll take that bet. How much?

Yuck it up now, Herman. The Community Organizer's arrogance and power is at a high, but the pendulum always swings both ways. :-)

And once the bills come due, history will not be as kind as the starstruck contemporary media.

Power is at a high?  You ain't seen nothing yet, Mr.Zipper.

As someone who collects presidents, I will eventually have to spring for one. But it will kill me to pay more than a penny for it.

Maybe in his case Ill make an exception and leave the gap in the collection. LOL
Zipper I agree with you!
That's the problem. We will never get over it.
I'm surprised collectors don't want his auto-pen sig, as that is how he "officially" signs bills. LOL.

That's a lie.  Some bills. The Autopen has been used to sign some documents, including bills, requiring the President's signature by both Republicans and Democrats since Kennedy. So has the Speaker of the House.

In hindsight I can see why someone would want the autograph of the man who will eventually bring ruin to the greatest nation ever known.

Sort of a morbid value, like that guy asking the value of his Timothy McVeigh autograph.

Thankfully, in 2008, the court rendered an opinion regarding the 2nd Ammendment that even the most liberal mind can understand with its decision in DC v. Heller.

Otherwise, Gerald Ford said it best, " A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take from you everything you have". Very insightful when you look at Today's government.

Regarding this Obama, maybe PSA can show what examples the expert used to render the opinion from.


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