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Some others as well like Van Morrison, Keane and Paolo Nutini

for autographed print doesx it mean each print has been individually signed by the artist or artists?  sorry iif that is an obvious question

That’s what I take from it.  I would certainly hope so, given the prices they’re asking.

The New Order one seems reasonable value, their autographs are hard to get....

Yeh I got one of the last batch..hand signed and numbered.

is that the robert plant one as it is up again?  Their help desk said  they didnt know if they were indvidiually signed or not.

No mention of that in the last thread.

it does say "autographed by Robert Plant".  for that price it should be!

I want one of those Plant posters - but 562 is kinda steep....

Someone - talk me into

If it helps it seems that the later ones were not signed very well according the the last thread we had on the subject.

I suspect that that these will be from the "pen started to run out" category.

Yes, the signatures were less than ideal last time. And I swear they were $100 cheaper, although I may have just blotted that out from my memory. (And they are for an excellent cause.) I do like the new color better than the one I got…

yes they were cheaper last time around, you arre not dreaming..............   I  am also thinking  about the Keane one


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