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So you couldn't get your dvd signed?
oh no! bummer, man, i was so excited for you.

NO, he just drove right past. MY seats qwre upgraded to floor but I chose just off the floor so I could see the power station. It was incredible. Best I have seen in ages and in true quad.

After all that preparation,he drove past!

What a shame, I wouldn't be surprised if workers (some of those guys didn't exactly fit the profile of his fans)have turned him off again! Just read a guy says he started to sign tonight but somebody didn't follow protocol so he stopped signing.

Exactly, and I was last or close to it. He was yelling and it wasn't about pudding or meat I can tell you that.

I am sorry to hear that I know how much time you put into it.  I think like so many a few bad apples have spoiled a good thing as far as him signing.  Sounds like you had a very good seat and enjoyed it so that is good.

Yeah, sorry Eric. Stinks, but at least you tried for yourself. There are plenty out there if you want to buy...Just try to buy one from a legitimate seller that doesn't abuse the homeless to obtain multiples.

It is a sick hobby we have chosen.

Thanks all - see my latest post!!! :D


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