I thought this might be a fun topic (and to be kept lighthearted). Who are some popular Entertainment/ Sports figures you won’t collect simply because you dislike them that might be wildly enjoyed by others? I’ll start with my “dislike - will never collect” list as follows: 

1. Guns N’ Roses

2. Nirvana 

3. U2

4. Pearl Jam

5. Prince 

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Justin Bieber and The Dave Matthews Band.

I’m so with you on Bieber. I can take DMB in small doses.

I forgot to mention Charlie Puth. He’s between Bieber and DMB.


Taylor Swift

Justin Beiber

Miley Cyrus





Bruno Mars

Ariana Grande

The Weekend

Lady Gaga

Mariah Carey

Billie Eilish

Katy Perry


Prince (apart from his guitar work)

And so on....

We might be too much alike my friend lol 

Indeed! :-) See what you think of the rest of my partial list.



Ed Sheeran

Harry Styles

Troye Sivan


One Direction...

Whoever did that Oppan Gangnam Style!

Whoever was reduced to doing a "ho-down" on SNL...

Did I mention Mariah Carey?

Janet Jackson?

Michael Jackson?

Pat Boone ;) his version of "Tutti Frutti"  is....

Wow, Michael Jackson. Even Jackson Five-era Michael Jackson?


I’ll admit, I like me some MJ but I’m in alignment with the rest! I can’t stand Coldplay 

I Agree with this although I might get a Taylor one day and Michael Jackson. I don't care for Taylor music I do like some of Michael's though.


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