UPDATE 9/16/17: Waters Signed Abt 12 Graphs @ Nassau Tonight. ONE FOR ME!

A fan's story:

Yes! I got up, threw myself into a borrowed ride with literally 2 minutes notice, no ticket and no way home, grabbed the latest Wall documentary/concert ready from yesterday's non-signing event, withstood a deluge of rain on the line...but managed to get the DVD signed large in silver w/o getting it wet! The 12"x12" flat seemed a truly bad choice in the rain - the DVD had a plastic bag so that was that. I said "Thank you, Mr. Waters" 3 times, but he was yelling about eBay. Someone, perhaps right after me, tried to get two and Waters just drove off. Maybe he did 12 all together. I then waited for it to dry and started working on getting home safely. Got to hear a good chunk of soundchecks too - Breathe, Welcome to the Machine and some bits of others.

Pictures soon :) It will go nicely alongside my signed Gilmour DVD!

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Very happy for you, Eric! Score one for the good guys!

Thanks Paul, Thanks Jason!

Pics soon! :)


im hoping to get him Oct 10th... Me and my father are going to the show together but he can't come out with me to try and get an autograph.. if I show roger both tickets as proof and ask him to personalize to ensure its one for my dad and one for me, do you think he will flip?

He will not do it.   He will sign 1 per, if he decides to stop that day to sign.   He doesnt really talk to anyone while signing, and he and his security guys move the line along VERY fast.  So I would highly recommend not even trying to explain to him a way to ask for a 2nd graph.   Either be happy with the 1, or find someone to come with you.

I was there on Saturday.   My wife & I both got 1 album signed each.

Really crazy what went down after I ran my albums to my car to keep dry.   He stopped to sign, and we were maybe 7 & 8 on the line roughly.  Waters was his usual self, not really talkative at all, but signed the 1 per person very willingly. 

After a few minutes I went back to meet up with a friend to see how he made out, and that's when I heard about the double dippers changing hats and shirts to try to get more stuff signed.   It is ridiculous to F@ck around with Waters rules.   There really are no names on his level that stop to sign for fans so often.   All you have to do is follow a few simple rules- 1 per person, don't push on the line, and don't give him guitars/ pick guards/ baseballs/ etc to sign.  If you follow these few rules, he has signed for lines of over 100 waiting fans.  How do the fans F@ck this up?

Nassau on Saturday had probably the shortest line for a while on the tour since he didn't sign the 2 shows previously, and the rain.  So with only 25 or so people there, it was way to easy for his 2 security guys NOT to easily see people getting back in the line. 

As far as people being fans, everyone I was around were fans.  We were all autograph collectors, but also fans of Pink Floyd/ Waters.  I got a old school Relics LP signed, and I saw a few other LPs besides the usual Wall & DSOTM. 

Tuesday & Friday the 2 days he didnt sign, I think had a lot to do with non-fans on the line.   One of the big NYC guys had a ton of paid helpers, and it was way to obvious the helpers were not fans.  I heard his on site venue security guy took a pic on Friday of the line to send to RW.   I think once RW saw the same non-fans on the line, I think that is what made him not sign.  RW is not stupid, and neither are his security guys.  Just follow his damn simple rules, and it should be one of the easiest graphing experiences you can get nowadays especially for a name like his.   But greedy collectors, and the big dealers are really trying to have him shut it down for the rest of the hopeful fans on upcoming tour stops.....

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That is the rub isn't it? They are ruining it for other people by trying to get multiples, but they are still getting stuff signed and still selling...While it ruins it for others that lose the opportunity because of their greed.

Hearing this stuff has really turned me off of modern day signatures, more so from purchasing off dealers from hearing all of these shady tactics.

I get it is a business for some people, but there is a way to be classy and respectful. I have seen and heard too much lately.

I would rather collect niche autographs that I care about then worry about resell value and etc...The business side of this hobby is very offputting.

It was...not subtle. Uncomfortable.

Which NYC guy was it? I'll make sure to avoid him.

Yea watch gtv on utube re Waters gio person gets about a 12 lps  collected ,pays his group $240 to divide between them.Then says see you next day 

Thank you Sir!


Again, thanks. Well, I have....unfortunately, several thousand items that need proper housing and such. This is not going to jump to the front of the line, even if it should. Would a slip of paper be a good idea if this is placed inside its original DVD until I get the mylar sheet?

Is it paint pen or silver Sharpie? Looks like Sharpie to me, but want to confirm.


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