Hi, My dad went to work , age 15 at The Imperial Hotel, Torquay , England, summer of 1963.

The Beatles only concert appearance in the seaside town of Torquay and they performed at the Princess Theatre.

My dad served the Beatles in the restaurant and chatted quite a lot with them.He told me that he took a menu from the restaurant and later , after work, went to their  hotel rooms, knocked on the doors and they all signed the menu for him. He told me that John and Paul were in one room and Ringo and George in adjoining room. There was no security, he was invited into their rooms, chatted an then left with the menu.

My dad has since passed and I am wondering what the value of this original dated menu  would be worth if I was to sell this.



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Eva is quite correct. These memories, written down, can only help. The vintage photo of your dad is brilliant. This context, this cache,  is invaluable. And this is one way to maximize value. 

Julie, I'm sure someone on this forum would love to purchase your signed menu. Might be the best way to go as you won't lose any money to commissions etc. The suggested valuations seem to be in the $6000 to $8000 range so perhaps a $7000 or best offer would do it. And you would know it is going to a good home. I'm not sure how you would do that on this site but I'm sure Steve could provide the details. I would be surprised if no one made an offer.

There is a free "Buy, Sell, or Trade" group you can join here and offer it for sale.

Great - that's where I'd go first. There is a pretty good idea on the value so it will likely be a win win. No commission, no hassel.

I agree, If it were mine I would sell it myself. I think I could. Maybe get some papers, but this a strong item. Think carefully how you wish to proceed. That suggestion about writing all down - superb - will help you - vintage photo of Dad will also help. Provenance is key to some. You have it. :)

I understand , commissions taken by third party can send the price higher and the buyer has to pay more with the seller achieving the same profit.

Has anyone ever sold on the Buy Sell or trade site?
How does it work? How does Payment and postage work and how secure is it for both parties.

Has anyone mentioned Tracks? Julie, Tracks is in Chorley and no dealer is more respected. You could sell it outright to them, but you probably won't get anywhere near as much as if they took it on consignment...if they do that outside of one of their auctions.

They're certain worth emailing: tracks.co.uk

Hi Steve, I don't quite understand what you mean by if they took on consignment?

Would you explain please?

Thanks Juie

I think he means by how Tracks does their own Auctions and they may take it on consignment (like Perry) or they will outright buy an item from you but they don't pay as much as it is actually valued because they resell for profit.

Ah, I understand now, thanks, they either buy outright or you put through their auction and they take their commission on what it sells.

I really don't know much about Perry or Tracks or about different ways to sell, but I am learning ;

What exactly do these parties bring to a sale? Do they have the contacts to bring a higher sale amount? But if  I am paying lots of commission , wont I just get the same amount selling without them? and it prices the average mn in the street collector out.

Sellers like Perry have a following and when an item could be questionable the items they offer for sale are seen as genuine. The really rare items tend to go at higher prices but minus the commission you are almost even if you sell it yourself. The signatures on your menu are without question genuine and anyone in the market will see that. So selling by yourself is the best bet. As long as you get something in the $8k range you've done well.

Tracks is dealer that carries their own inventory, and also has an auction once a year or two that they accept consignments for. I don't know of one on their schedule though.

They buy a lot of Beatles autographs, pay fair prices and get strong prices when they sell. I'd be surprised if you could sell your menu to them or any dealer for more than about £4000 though. If Tracks were to take it on consignment, though (not for auction since I don't see one on their schedule), perhaps they could get you considerably more.

I mention them because they're top-notch and you wouldn't have to ship your menu out of the UK.


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