A fellow member has asked for opinions about this signed 1984 Van Halen album in another thread.  There are things that I like and things that concern me about it so I wanted to post it as a new discussion with the hope that we can get more members to comment on it.  Thanks in advance.


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Roger, do you want me to start posting the emails you sent to my source? Just keep it up. We have all of the electronic records my friend.



I should suspend you, but you're doing such a good job of showing who you really are that I'm going to leave you and your shovel for the time being. Just stop harassing people or you're off the island.

Can you and I talk?

I know this is all tough to swollow but it can be backed up. You are correct my comments last night were way out of line. Any wat to remove them?

Yes, you can email me.

How do I get your email addeess?

Just message me here. As the moderator, anyone can write me.

Thanks but I have been instructed to not produce any other information. I appreciate the offer and the chance to attempt to help clean up the market but I can see portions of your audience (and by your tone, you as well) are not ready for what we have to say. Just going to have to wait until this goes to trial. Sometimes the truth is very difficult to swollow. I mean who could make up a scenario as crazy as this. You give me a lot more credit for making this up than I deserve. I am not that creative.

I can understand why people have a tough time with it. Took us years of living through this and gathering information to piece this together into something that makes sense. And we have only scratched the surface. Why would I expect your audience to digest this in a few paragraphs when it took us this long to really understand it. Good luck and will let you know how things go.

It is my collection and I can enjoy with or without your audiences blessing. The musicians and proof I have seen from my source is all I need. Thank You Steve for you seem like a nice guy.

He makes up a lot of crap thats for sure.  His "source" has burned many in the past because he has very good forgeries.  They are easy to detect now as I have seen them so often but when they first came out they did fool me and some others for a brief moment.  Metallica and Kiss are the ones he does the best but again you can spot them a mile away once you learn what they look like.  This is also the guy who threw around Glen Danzigs kid as a supplier of some of these.  It's all a load of crap.  Why would anyone have to try to shove these down our throats as being authentic because if they were authentic they would sell themselves. 

Also, Gene Simmons is not a handwriting expert and wouldn't know his signature from a good forgery.  NO court would allow that kind of testimony.  Thats why it can't be used as facts.

So if Gene, the person who signed the itemd cant tell, how can you? What makes your OPINION better than the person who made the autograph?

Because he doesn't know what to look for, I do.  NO court of law in the US will allow a person without handwriting expertise to authenticate anything handwritten even if it is their own.


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